Chapter 15

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Two months passed. The Argo II was getting along a little slow for my liking. We had less then a month to finish the ship. All my siblings and I were working on the ship for 12 hours a day at least. The ship was completely built, now all we had to do was finish the mechanical and electrical stuff.

Right now I was working on the helm trying to get the steering all calibrated. I kept trying to get the Wii remote set, but it didn't want to get placed in. "Ugg, this ship has to be be perfect, and this thing isn't making my life any easier." I said. Thea looked up from her work. She was working on the wires for the navigation.

In the passed two months Thea started getting really good at electrical wiring. Hooking this together, and knowing exactly what to do before I told her. And she was getting pretty good with the mechanical aspects of the ship as well. She was the one who stayed up with me the longest, and was always the first one to reach the ship other then me in the morning. She was working harder then most of us.

Thea walked over to me and grabbed the remote from my hand. She examined it. "Leo," she said taking off the back. "You forgot the batteries." She pointed the the empty back.

I face palmed my forehead. "I'm such an idiot" I said pulling two double A batteries out of my tool belt. I slide then in and closed the back. I looked up to see Thea's face. Her eyes were mixed with pity and amusement. "Leo maybe you should take a nap, or retire early." She said. "We can't have a sleepy Leo, working on the most important part of the ship."

"But, we only have 25 days left to finish the ship, and there is still a lot to do. I can't just take a nap." I said syncing the remote to the ship.

"One of your siblings can work on this." She said. "Your exhausted, I can see it in your eyes."

"How come you aren't tired?" I asked looking at Thea. She seemed perfect as always, her eyes were shinning, and she making stupid mistakes like me. "You have been getting as much sleep as me, and you look like your about to take on the world."

"Yeah," she said twisting two wires together. "That's one of the great things about Ivy. Since our souls are connected, when I'm feeling tired, or sick, Ivy takes care of it." She pointed over to the black cat that was sleeping on Festus head. That was Ivy's favorite spot to sleep, and Festus seemed to enjoy Ivy as well.

I looked back Thea confused. "So your saying, that Ivy does the sleeping for you?" I asked

"Yep," she said smiling. "and Ivy loves it because she can sleep more, and I love it because that's means I can help you more."

I smiled at her. She was so sweet. "You know that's cheating." I said smirking at her.

"Please," she mumbled. "You have a huge ship. I mean look at this thing. It's huge, magnificent, and really high tech. I could never compete with your baby."

"She's our baby" I said, but just as I said that I realized how bad it sounded. I looked up to see Thea trying to hide her laugh. "I didn't mean that way..... Don't laugh." But just as I said that she burst into a melodious laughter. I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment , but soon I was laughing with her.


I sat at the Hephaestus table staring at my food in front of me. I wasn't much in the mood for food. There was still so much to do on the ship. "Leo, eat your pizza." Nyssa said next to me.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

"Leo, you have barley eaten anything for the past week, and you have barley slept. You need to keep up your energy." She said.

"Since when did you become my mother?" I asked looking at her.

"Since Thea told me to make sure you eat." She said. I looked up confused.

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