Chapter 8

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I ate lunch as quickly as possible. I really wanted to see what Leo wanted to show us. However, it was hard since everyone kept coming up to me congratulated me on beating Drew. Most of them told me stories about how Drew always picked on them, and now they realized they didn't have to be scared of her anymore.

That was my plan all along. I knew people here feared Drew, but she was weak petty and shallow, and I wanted to show everyone that. And by pushing Drew in the poop damaging her ego, I did just that.

I finished my lunch and met up with Leo. We were the first to arrive at the meeting place, so that he could take us to this secert place, so we sat waiting for everyone else.

I could tell Leo was nervous to be alone with me. His hands were fiddling more then usual, and he kept glancing up at the treeline waiting for the others to come. And to be honest I was also nervous to be alone with Leo. I mean I wasn't nervous around anyone else, but there was something about Leo that I wanted him to like me.

I had to break the silence. "So, this place," I said, but Leo talked at the same time saying. "That match earlier."

We both stopped. "You first." We said at the same time. We went silent, and then both burst into laughter. I totally forgot I was nervous.

"So, this place you are taking us too." I started. "What exactly is it?"

Leo looked up, and gave me a mechievous smile. "It's a secret." he said.

I was about to protest, when the tree's rusled and out came Piper, Jason, Chiron, and the rest of the Hephaestus cabin. Leo and I stood up. "Thank you for all coming. I will now show you what I found." He said leading us into the forest.

We all followed Leo as me navigated us through the tree's. I breathed in the fresh air of the forest, and I shut my eyes as I followed them. I heard someone come up to me. "You know if you keep walking with your eye's closed you're going to run into a tree or trip over a root." I opened my eyes to see one of Leo's sisters. In fact it was the one Leo was talking to yesterday.

She had darker skin, and curly black hair. Her arms looked strong, and her hands were calloused. She looked like a child of Hepaestus.

I smiled at her. "This is my home turf. Nature bends to for me, it would never hurt me." I said.

She laughed. "Us kids of Hepaestus are opposite. We are better with nonliving things. Organic life forms make us uncomfortable." She said.

"Yet, here you are talking to me. The most organic person out here." I said.

She seemed to ponder this. "There is something about you. I know I'm not the only Hepaestus cabin mate to sense it." She said as if trying to put emotion in to words. "You seem so natural that even we can talk to you. But there is something more.... I can't really put it into words though."

I smiled. This wasn't the first time I was told this. Every quest I had been on, I met people who helped me, and each time they told me the same thing. I looked at her. "I never did get your name." I said.

"Nyssa," She said. "And I don't need your name. You've already made yourself known by dualing Drew." She smiled as if remembering. "Let me tell you... that was the best thing I have ever seen. Us kids of Hepaestus never liked her."

"It was my pleasure to take her down a notch" I said. "Her ego needed it."

Suddenly we stopped. We were in front of cliff face. I huge rock wall stood at least 50 feet tall. We watched as Leo put out his hand and it caught fire and he set it against the door.

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