Chapter 9

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I wasn't much help in the drafting process. Leo, Nyssa, and Jake (crutch boy) were the main people in the design, and the rest of the Hephaestus kids helped. They all spoke in machine language which confused Jason, Piper, and me. So to get ourselves more famailar with the bunker we wandered around.

Most of the stuff I had no clue what it was. I spent most of my time examining the already built machines. They had a sort of living energy to them. They didn't seem cold and lifeless, almost like they had an identiy of their own.

I walked around and split off from Piper and Jason. I looked and saw a table near a desk, but it had nothing on it. I found it strange because every table had stuff on it. I walked over to it, and placed my hand on it, and it moved. I screamed jumping back.

I heard footsteps race towards me. Leo, Jason, and Piper joined my side. "What is it?!" Piper said weilding her dagger.

I pointed to the table. "It moved." I said.

Leo stepped forward and touched it with his foot. The table scurried a couple of feet away. Piper screamed, and back up into Jason. But Leo didn't seem to surprised. He held out his hand nicely. "It's okay, we won't hurt you." He said almost like it was a dog.

the table walked forward, and let Leo touch him. The table was metal unlike normal talbes, and when it moved a certain way it creaked. Leo nodded as if listening to it. He turned to us. "Guys, meet Buford."

"It has a name?" Jason asked just as confused as me.

"Of course he has a name." Leo said clearly muffled that Jason would suggest such a thing.

I stepped forward. "Hello Buford." I slowly pet the table, still unsure about it, but when I touched it seemed to have the same engery that Festus had. He seemed living. Buford shivered under my touch and nudged me with its side.

"He likes you." Leo said smiling.


Later that day after dinner Piper came up to me to tell me that Annabeth and Rachel were coming. "Who are they?" I asked. I heard the names before, but I never really asked who they were. But I guess it was important because that's all the camp could talk about.

"Annabeth is a daughter of Athena. She has probably been at camp the longest. And everyone looks to her as the leader. She is pretty cool." Piper said. "And Rachel is the oracle."

"Wait! What?" I asked confused. "This Rachel girl is the oracle.You mean like the thing that spews out prophecies?"

"Yeah, it's kind of creepy when she does. It's almost like she is possesed, but don't worry, she is really nice when she isn't giving prohpecies." Piper said reasuring me.

"Who is her godly parent?" I asked.

"She's a mortal. I guess she can see through the Mist, and I guess Apollo made her the new oracle." Piper said shrugging. "I'm sorry I can't tell you much. I was at camp one day before I went on the quest, so this place is pretty new to me too."


The next day I woke up excited to meet Annabeth and Rachel. Chiron had called a council and all the cabin leaders would be meeting at the Big House to discuss certain matters. So since I was the only child of Cybele I was the cabin leader.

I got ready, and I heard footsteps approach. Since I didn't really have a door, I just had vines, the person knocked on the wood. "Thea?" It was Piper.

"Come in" I said. Piper peaked her head through the vines.

"Annabeth and Rachel are here." She said. I smiled and followed Piper out of my house. She lead me to the Big House and I saw to girls standing on the porch talking to Chiron.

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