They forgot

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Sabrina's pov

I woke up to a peaceful morning. I stretched and got up. I looked around and realized something crazy.

I had slept in Puck's room. I turned around to look at a druling Puck cuddling a stuffed unicorn.

Still in shock that I had slept in Puck's room, I got up and went to brush my teeth.

I entered the bathroom and brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and showered.

Feeling refreshed, I went into my room and changed into a fallout boy t-shirt, black skinny jeans and my blue converse.

I walked back into Puck's room to find him missing. Huh. So I walked back out of his room and down stairs.

In the living room a found a note. It said,

The family and I went to town. Enjoy the house today.

Oh. So everyone's gone and I don't know where Puck is. Great.

I went into the kitchen and made me a bowl of cereal. Munching on my captain crunch, I had a thought.

I haven't known what day it is in a long time. So, after I put my dishes in the sink, I walked over to Granny's calendar and followed all her little x's until I came to the first day without one.July 19.

I dropped the calendar and ran to Puck's room. I ran and ran. I didn't stop running until I couldn't go on.

I collapsed underneath a tree in the middle of Puck's forrest and started crying.

I just kept on crying. After I was done I curled up into a ball and just sat there. Letting the last drops drip down my face.

I sat there forever. It felt like hours. Then, I heard the crunch of some one walking in my direction.

I didn't look up. Some one picked me up and I instantly smelt the woodsy smell of Puck.

He held me bridal style and sat back down. I could feel him staring at me.

"Sabrina, what's wrong?" He said softly. I sniffled. "T-they forgot." I said. "What?" He asked.

"My birthday...." I whispered. On the verge of tears again. "What!?" He said. "Its your birthday?" He asked.

"Yes. And my whole family forgot." I said, one belittled tear trickled down my cheek.

"Well then. We're gonna have to do something about this." He said, getting up and flying up into his magical sky.

I gripped his t-shirt. I hate heights. After a while he landed and sat me down on a rock.

I watched him walk away. How could my family forget!? I turn thirteen today and they forgot. Well, I guess I forgot too. I've just been so busy.

I heard Puck walking back and looked up. He was carrying two icecreams. One chocolate with sprinkles the other strawberry with sprinkles.

He sat down. "Here you go. Happy birthday. "He said, handing me the strawberry.

"Thanks." I said, taking it and devouring it. It was so freaking good! We licked our fingers. "Hey? Where did you get that?" I asked.

"My icecream truck." He said. "Oh, well, thank you." I said. "Oh I'm not done yet. You still need cake, presents, a party and a surprise." Puck said, smirking. Oh I hope the surprise isn't a gassy elephant.

He took my hand and led me to the kitchen. "Puck? What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm fixing your birthday. Now let's go make a cake." He said.

"A cake? Are you sure about this?" I asked. "Yeah. Now, you get the cookbook and I'll get the stuff." He said. I got out a cook book and turned around to find Puck putting a lot of stuff on the counter.

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