Life Happens I Guess

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Ashley's POV

I sat on Sabrina's bed, lazily flipping through some crotcheting magazine I found in Granny Relda's many many bookshelves. I was so bored. Sin and all the others wanted to go into town when I would much rather chill at home. But oh well, life happens I guess, and I just have to deal with it. If being alone and bored out of my fucking mind is what I have to do to get what I want, then fuck it. I'm gonna be alone.

As I was flipping through the catalog, something caught my eye. It was a crotchetted pair of shorts. And I have no fucking idea why, but I wanted them. They looked so cute, and soft. The navy blue yarn they had used to make them looked so adorable with the little silver buttons on the front. I had to have them.

' With those little shorts, I'm sure to be comfortable, and son real eye candy.' I thought. So I rolled the little magazine up, stepped off the bed, and ran into the hallway. I knew that Granny Relda kept her yarn and crotchet hooks in one of the cabinets below the staircase.

As I slid down the staircase rail, I had a sudden urge to jump off the side. I had no idea why though. I didn't wanna hurt myself, I just had an urge. I was only halfway down the smooth railing when I felt a sharp pain in my inner thigh. It was like all of hell had been injected into my unsuspecting leg. I yelped in pain, falling off the side of the rail and losing my grasp on the magazine, and landing on the floor with a huge thud.

I layed in shock on the floor. All the wind knocked out of me as I had hit my back directly on the hard wooden floor. All I could think about was pain. Pain everywhere. Especially in my godamn leg.

After I gained back a little conciousness, I paid some recognition to the agonizingly sharp pain in my leg. I sat up slowly, trying not to cause more pain. "Shit." I said as a jolt of shock ran through my back.

Carefully, I looked at my inner thigh. I was only greeted by a ghastly sight. There, in the soft tender muscle of my leg, was a splinter. A large, painfully sharp looking splinter. It was about one inch in size and was a dark brown color. The little sides of the hole it had punctured into me had puss and blood dribbling in tiny little flows of disgustingness down my thigh.

I gagged and quickly looked away. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!" I said quickly over and over again, listening to my voice slowly go more and more high pitched with panic and fear.

Then the horrible thought occured to my fearful mind, I'm gonna have to pull this bitch'. It wasn't a pretty thought to have. I just imagined three things: Pain, blood, and tears. Lots of tears.

Slowly, i put my clammy, sweaty, shaking hands near the woodchip of suffering. I put my fingers securely on the end of the toothpick of pain, and counted to three. " Okay, deep breaths Ashley, you can do this! One... Two... THREE!!!" I pulled as hard as possible, but I lost my grip on it, and my hand shot forward, leaving the godforsaken splinter in my throbbing thigh. "FUCK!" I screamed, feeling all the shock and pain as it didn't budge, but it did pull the skin.

I sighed a frustrated breath of air before saying, " This is gonna take more than just my hands, isn't it?" I hurried my face in my hands. " Uuuuuuugh! How come I can walk fearlessly into battle and get stabbed through with a sword, but I can't pull out a simple splinter!?"

I got up slowly, making sure not to hurt myself more. Then, I limped slowly over to the kitchen. Where, in a drawer, I found tools galore. But all I was looking for was two things. A razor, and a pair of needle-nose pliers.

I quickly searched through the drawer. Looking for my specific tools needed for this dreaded job. Something shiny and small caught my eye. "AHA! I have found the razor!!" I said aloud, as I grabbed the tiny, sharp object. I was going to use this as a backup tool if the pliers couldn't get it out. I started to look some more so I could get the pliers. Eventually, I found them. I sighed. 'This is gonna be long and painful, isn't it?' I thought. "Uuuuuuuuugh." I just wanted to make a pair of shorts. What the fuck.

I limped to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. I quickly grabbed a bandaid, rubbing alcohol, and some Neosporin. Then, I sat on the edge of the bathtub. Making sure to make the splinter visible to my eyes so I could see what I'm doing. I grabbed the pliers and clasped them on the end of the splinter. "One. Two. Three!" I yanked on the splinter. All I felt was more sharp pain as the pliers lost grip and came off the splinter, leaving it burried deep in my leg tissue. "OUCH!" I yelped. Tears came to the corners of my eyes and flooded over my cheeks. Godammit.

I knew I would probably need to use the razor now. The dreaded razor that was to cut me open. Uuugh.

I took a guaze pad, and dampened it with alcohol. I quickly sanitized the blade before putting it to the skin where the splinter had punctured me. "Time to play a little game of surgery." I said before carefully slicing the little bit of skin surrounding the wood needle of hell. It's actually wasn't that bad. I eventually reached a point where I felt I could successfully get it out. I put the pliers to the splinter.

"Okay, I can do this. I can do this!" I ripped the splinter out of my leg and quickly grasped hold of it after dropping the the pliers and splinter on the ground. "HOLY BABY JESUS IN THE MANGER THAT HURT LIKE A SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!" I screamed. "FUCK!"

Then I heard someone snickering. I quickly looked up to find Sabrina, Daphne, Puck, Sin, Red, Valerie, Kitty, and worst of all, Granny Relda with a little Basil on her hip. They were all staring at me as I clutched my leg. The pliers were on the ground with a blood covered dark brown toothpick lookin' thing on the ground, a razor on the edge of the tub, and the alcohol apparently topped over on the rug.

"Oh... uuuh... hiiiii." I mumbled nervously. Granny glared while all the kids laughed at me.

"What in heavens name are you doing, child?" Granny said worredly but angrily at the same time. "Uuuh, i got a splinter, and I had to get I out. So uh, life I guess." I stuttered.

She sighed. "Clean up then. And, watch your mouth young lady. I don't tolerate that language in my house." I looked down. " Yes ma'am." I nervously said. Everyone walked away. I sighed. "Why the hell does this kind of stuff happen to me?" I asked. Then I realized, it's just life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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