Fart collections and armies

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Valerie's pov!!!!!

Me and Kitty climbed out from under the big rock after the giant left, taking my sister and her friends with it.

"Aw what do we do now!?" I yelled. "Curse you giant!" I said.
"Well dang nabbit! We have no magic beans!" Said Kitty.

I turned to her, my messy brown hair blowing in a sudden gust of wind.

"Did you just say an old person curse word? Wait! Magic beans!!" I said realizing something.

"What about them? We don't have any." She said, shrugging.
"We might not, but granny Relda might!" I said taking off towards the house. It took a minute for my dumb blonde of a sister to understand but then she got and caught up with me.

We got inside the house and gasped for air. Too. Much. Running.

Okay let's get those beans." I said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait!" Kitty yelled. I turned around. "What?" I asked. "We should get Daphne and Red to help us. Ooh! And armor." She said.

I smirked. "Okay, and I know the perfect place to get that stuff." I said running up the stairs

Kitty followed. "Okay, you get Red and Daphne I'll get supplies." She nodded and we went our seperate ways.

I went to buttfaces room. I went straight in and closed the door. I walked down the magical path and saw some kind of shelf.

I walked over to it. It was stocked with armor, swords and empty mason jars. Huh?

I found a label on the shelf and smirked. It said, Puck's fart collection. All of the mason jars said Puck. Then on the top shelf, I saw a big pickle jar. It looked like it had green gas in it. The label said, Elvis.

So I quickly stalked up on stuff and turned around to find an army of chimps and pixies watching me. I smiled and got an idea.

"Hey! Your king has been captured!" I yelled. The went berserk. I calmed them. "So help me fight to get him back!" I yelled, raising a sword.

So I ended up walking out of buttfaces room with everything I needed. Armor, weapons and an army.

I met three jaw dropped little girls in the living room. Daphne was holding a jar of beans.

"Where did you get that? "Asked Red, pointing to everything I had. "Buttface." I said.

They nodded. "Lets go plant some beans!" Said Kitty. So everyone ran out there.

Daphne poked a hole in the ground and placed a bean in there, gently covering it with soil and watering it. We waited.

Then, a thousand foot tall bean stock grew up into the air. And we all started climbing up to where my sister was trapped.

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