omg again!

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I wake up in a room, I try to get up but I'm tied down to the bed frame. " oh Meh goodness, this again!" I hear footsteps walking towards the door, the door opens, I couldn't make out Hus face on what he looked like, but I know for a fact he was pale. The pale figure walks towards me and strokes my cheek, I pull away. He chuckles. " you seem to be very feisty, (y/n)!" " h-how d-did you know my name?!" I say terrified that he knows my name and I don't know him. " I know everything darling." He just........ Sits there and says nothing! I break the silence. " so can you tell me where I am?!" " well (y/n), your at my place in LA." " so why do you have me ties down to this bed frame?" I ask questioned whether or not he is going to do some thing to me. " well I was going to do something.." He trails off " wait.... Wait, who are you in you the first place?" " well I'm a alter ego of mark named-" I cut him off " you're the one who tried to kidnapp me yesterday! No need to explain!" I look at dark to see if he is going to do anything, but instead he climbs on top of me, I didn't Like it so I started to struggle. Dark kisses me passionately, I didn't kiss back though. " oh meh gowd! Someone help! I don't like this, I have a boyfriend!" I say to myself. " I know you have a boyfriend, his name is anti. He doesn't love you!" Dark says trying to get me angry. " I know he loves me he said it, and..." I trail off, I'm feeling less confident. I stop struggling and dark has a grin on his face,"I've always loved you (y/n), and I always wanted this moment with you!" Dark has a lustful look on his face I can see it in his eyes.

Antis P.O.V

I walk in my room to go see if (y/n) is still sleeping. I open the Door and I don't see her there. I call jack to the room so he and I could inspect the room. " anti over here," I run as fast as I could to jack. " its a note." I take the not from jacks hands and the note read:
I took your girlfriend, shes mine now and there is no way you can take her away from me. I loved her as soon as (y/n) 's mom gave birth to her, yeah, I was there. And if you want to come and get her..........COME....AND....FIND.. ME!!

The note ends here. " what did it say?" I hand the note to jack so he could read it. Jack reads it and comes up with the idea to save (y/n). I agree and we arrive at darks house. I told jack to come with, just in case something happens, I'll have you with me!"

OK cliffhanger sorry! After anti saves you there will be a little smutty surprise!!!!! Anyway I just had to update because you wanted me to write a new chapter! So ya! And as always I will see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye👋👋👋

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