my dream

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I woke up once again tied down to something. " oh my goodness not this again." I sigh. I tried to get up no luck. But I hear someone other than me coffing. " anti? Jack? Are you there?" " yeah I'm here." Jack says. " I'm here to." Anti replys. I was filled with relief when I heard their voices. Then I heard someone else coffing. I look around, and I see a figure tied to a pole. The figure had red hair. " m-mark?" " yeah?" Mark says. " mark where are we?" " I don't know for sure, but it looks like we are in a basement." " OK once again I get captured by some demon and no we are stuck here until dark comes back, and someone falls in love! Blah blah blah!" I say apparently knowing what's going on right now because I've read many fanfictions. " well you've been reading and doing your research." Jack says looking surprised about what I just said. We wait..............
And wait.............
And wait............. UNTIL.........
No not yet.
And we wait.........

[4 hours later]

" OK I'm tired of waiting, and I want to get up and off of this cold floor. And I want to go back home! I-i don't want to be here." I start to cry. Mark trys to comfort me saying I would be alright but all I want is to go back home.

[1 hour later)

" I'm surrounded by my favorite you tubers, and a demon. I don't know what to do right now! I need someone to hug, someone that I can be comforted by, someone that I can trust.........someone that I could care for." I think to myself.

( time skip when dark comes back, because you are going do die of bordem and so am i)

Dark then walks in the basement.what took him so long? Anyway dark walks through the door and walks straight to me. " hello my darling!" Dark says stroking my cheek. I don't pull away or dark will hurt me. I hear someone yell "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!! (Y/N)!" I jump up from the bed in was lying on. " why am I laying I antis bed? Am I in reality now?" I look. Around knowing I am in reality. I start crying. Jack then runs in the room to comfort me " what happened (y/n)? You can tell me anything anytime." "Well....... I had a dream about dark capturing us all, and thats when I woke up and that's what happened. But when that happens i need someone to comfort me when I'm sad or scared , well you do that all of the time when I watch your videos. They always cheer me up.even in my darkest times, but right now isn't the time!"

Oooh clif hanger,ooh! Anyway when you and anti get to know each other better, and you guys get together i will write smut just give me sometime! Anyway it is 9:46 pm and I have a test tomorrow( depending when you are reading this) I will update tomorrow. Anyway love ya😇😇

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