Part Eight

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Sanha was soon at my dorm door. When he knocked all the girls got scared because it was late and no one comes to our door at up this time usually. "I GOT IT!" I yelled. I opened the door to see a very tired Sanha. I grabbed this backpack and bag of goods from the store and set them on the island in the kitchen. Then I ran over back to Sanha and gave him a warm tight hug. "Are they feeding you good? You've gotten really skinny. You've got contacts I see. Are they working you too hard? You're not getting sick often are you?" I bombarded with questions and observations. "They're feeding me just fine, I'm just getting taller. I'm not getting sick often. I did get contacts. I'm working hard to achieve my dream." The girls sitting on the couch were watching us in awe. "You two are so cute." Eunjae stated. I blushed and hid my face in my hands. He laughed at my reaction and ruffled my hair. Sanha has gained some maturity through this training I think. He's needs to stop growing though it's getting hard to reach his forehead. We sat over at the island and talked for a bit. He told me about the other members he's training with. He said that one member, Moon Bin was really good looking and trained very long. Meanwhile, the girls were staring at Sanha from the couch, except Yeonjin.

Yeonjin came over to Sanha and I, "Hello! My name is Johnson Yeonjin! Any friend of Arina is a friend of mine." She shook hands with Sanha and he smiled at her. "Nice to meet you! I'm Sanha." He said cheerfully. "Yes I know. Arina speaks very highly of you." She stated calmly. I flicked her forehead so she would shut her mouth. I loved her very much, but she should keep her mouth shut at times. Sanha chuckled as Yeonjin walked away whining about her forehead. "Arina, you look skinnier than before. They're feeding you okay, right?" Sanha asked concerned. "Y-yeah. I'm eating great." I told him. "She's on a diet." Eunjae revealed. Great, just great. Now he's gonna worry. "Why? You were fine!" He started to lightly pinch at my sides. "Now you're super skinny. You were just fine before." He exclaimed. "They thought her face was too round." Said Miran. Suddenly she was pinching my cheeks and I didn't appreciate it. "Stop. Before. You. Die." I gritted my teeth. She stopped and ran away. "SHE'S SCARY WHEN SHE'S MAD!"

Sanha rubbed my cheeks with a frown. "Sanha, it's not that big of a deal. It's just eating healthier." I stated. "Arina, you were fine the way you were. You don't need to go through with everything they say." I looked at the floor, his hand still on my cheek. "I'm fine. It's not that bad. I can do what they want me to." I said. Sanha took his hand off of my cheek, in the background you could slightly hear Eunjae squealing about how cute we are together and such. He got up grabbing his things getting prepared to leave. "I just don't want you going above and beyond to reach their expectations." Sanha said sadly. He walked over to the door opening it. Before he could take a step I ran over to him and gave him a hug. He picked me up since I was now a lot shorter than him. "I can't touch the floor." I told him. "Because you don't grow, I stole your growing ability." He joked. I was released and fell with a thud. "Sorry!" Sanha yelled halfway down the hall. "I'll text you when I get to my dorm!"

"Be safe!" I yelled back.

~Timeskip to the next day~
"Girls! It's time to dye hair! A professional is going to come in and do you hair!"
My hair was dyed first. They dyed it a natural looking chestnut or so.

Next was Eunjae. I don't think she was too happy with them messing with her hair, but she got used to it.

Then was Yeonjin. They only curled her wavy hair.

Miran's hair stayed the same. But they permed it a bit which smelled gross.

I would say we all looked nice still. Out of all of us, Eunjae and Miran dressed the best usually. Yeonjin dressed cute in her own way, her style was amazing. I was simple, weird, and I didn't know how to dress really. I video called Sanha to get me away from being sad. "SANHA! MY HAIR!" I yelled through the phone. "YOUR HAIR!" He yelled back. "ITS VERY PRETTY!" I nodded while smiling. "It makes me look matured." Suddenly, Miran popped up behind me. "Oh! Sanha! You look nice today! Even with your adorable glasses on." She gushed on. "Thank you." He responded awkwardly. She walked away whispering in my ear that if I don't get him soon she'll steal him. It made me a bit sad because she probably could in a quick second. I nodded and went on with being gloomy. "What's wrong, Unnie?" Yeonjin asked. I shook my head and tried to continue on with Sanha and I's conversation. "I'm getting braces next week or so." Sanha stated. "Really?" I questioned. "Yep, I need them to straighten my teeth. They're pretty bad." He said. "I didn't notice."

"How?" I shrugged. "Your smile always seemed amazing because it shows how happy you are. There's no flaw in being happy." He stared at the screen for a minute and then smiled. "You make me happy." He stated. "You make me happy too."

"That's why we're best friends."

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