Part fifteen

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"Why did he send you?" I asked miserably. "Well, I could leave if you want." Sanha said. "You might as well stay and explain yourself now." I stated monotonous. Sanha sat down next to me, still towering over me and growing every second. "I'm really sorry, Arina. I just, I didn't want to hurt you when you found out I liked Yeonjin. So I thought the best thing to do was not to face you. I know that was horrible of me. I really am sorry." Sanha told me. I nodded, but that still didn't mean everything was all better. "So, instead of facing me, you decided that hurting me was the better choice. That seems like something a coward would do." I remarked. "And a coward I am! You're absolutely correct! Now I am here asking for forgiveness that I know I don't deserve. I put Yeonjin before you, my best friend. I'm really sorry, Arina."

I had nothing to say. Everything he said was true. He wasn't being hard on himself, but he was being honest. I'm frankly tired of being around Sanha.. or even thinking of him. All the days I spent wondering what I did wrong. Why I deserved this treatment. I only had him as a friend. His abandonment made me feel like I was all alone. I felt I wasn't cared for, until Minhyuk became my friend. "Arina, will you please forgive me? I know it's a lot to ask, but could you at least consider it?" He asked again. "Yeah, I'll think about it." I answered. I walked to the front of the library checking out books that I found interesting. Putting the books into my miniature backpack I heard a gasp behind me. "Is that really Sanha from Astro?!" some female voice asked excitedly. "It is!" Another female voice stated. I legitimately face palmed as I heard Sanha trying to protest pictures. "Please, the company is going to scold me if I take pictures in public. Please don't take any. Please respect my wishes." He practically begged them. I walked out of the library, since they didn't seem to notice me and a scandal at our age would be BAD. I started walking down the street to a convenience store nearby.

Where'd you go? ☹️

To a convenience store down the street. You shouldn't text me in front of fans.

I gave them an autograph and they left. So I'm not texting you in front of fans.

Okay. Then why aren't you here yet? Hurry up, I wanted to buy somethings, but I feel obligated to babysit you now.

I'm older than you though

By a week

Ten days actually

Wow, big difference

Looks like someone can't count

Looks like someone is being a smart ass

Beats being a dumb one

You surely act like it

Someone must be on her cycle

Excuse me? I'll end your life

And my fans will end yours

Touché , just get over here

He arrived five minutes later as I was cashing out. I had bought snacks that I remember he and I both liked. "I would ask you if you wanted to go shopping with me but we're both idols now. You being a bigger idol than I. So I am more likely to be noticed with you tagging along." I rambled on. I started walking towards his dorm to politely drop him off, but he walked in a different direction. "It'd be gentleman like if I walked you to your dorm." As we approached my dorm room I whispered a "Thank you" to him. When I opened the door Yeonjin clung onto me whining about how I wasn't there when she woke up. After a minute of whining she noticed Sanha. "Why is he with you?" she asked with the slightest attitude. "We hung out at the library together." I stated. She backed away from me with her eyes still locked on Sanha. "But why with him?" She questioned again. "Minhyuk was busy." I said whilst walking away. "Thanks for bringing her home safely, goodbye to you." Yeonjin told Sanha. She closed the door quickly and sat the the counter eating the breakfast I made. It was around 11:45 now, so I was wondering why she woke up so late.

"Yeonjin, do you want to go shopping with me. I'd like to get new sweaters since it's going to start getting a bit chilly." I offered her. "Yes! I'd love to spend time with you, unnie!.... But just to make sure, you don't have feelings for Sanha anymore, right? I don't want you to get hurt by him again.. Although, I know the first time it was my fault." She rambled. "No I don't have feelings for him anymore. I only hung out with him because Minhyuk was busy and sent him so I wouldn't be alone. I don't blame either of you for how I reacted to it. They were purely my emotions. Now get ready!" I explained. I put down my backpack and grabbed a small purse. I sat down in the living room waiting for her. While waiting for her, I drifted to sleep. I dreamt of Minhyuk and I's interaction that led to us being friends. It was vaguely different. It was a bit more romantic than what our reality was. I was awoken by Yeonjin rubbing my arm. "Unnie, did you still want to go or continue napping?" She asked. I smiled at her, "Let's go!" I said.

We had gotten tons of sweaters and pairs of soft jeans. Plenty of activewear shorts and pants for practice, Plain t-shirts, gray, white black. We purchased jackets for the cold nights. Sneakers, boots, all the necessities for the cold. "Maybe when we next go grocery shopping together we can get all the warm drinks and could make them one night while watching movies." Yeonjin suggested. "That would actually be a nice thing to do after a hard day of practice." I told her. When we arrived back home our manager informed us that a new group would be debuting from our same label and they would like us to help them promote. We filmed a video cheering them on, we taught them the dances for our songs, it was actually kinda funny. I enjoyed my day off.

I'm really sorry about this being so crappy! I'm sorry about not updating! School is getting hectic but I am trying to keep it in control! Thank you all! I have over 50 followers now and I didn't even expect it at all. Thank you so much!

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