Part twenty five

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After Sora kissed me, nothing really happened. No one spoke of the event and everyone just avoided it. Minhyuk did lecture Sora about how if she wants to do that to people she needed their consent. That was about as much as what happened. Everyone felt uncomfortable and Sora didn't quite understand. In Japan homosexuality is accepted a bit more than it is in Korea; not by much, but a good amount. Our comeback was only two weeks away now. 4tell was preparing very well and Sora was improving amazingly. Her raps were strong and well pronounced, we were already practically prepared. We had a day off luckily, thanks to our manager for convincing the CEO that the stress was making our faces breakout. I spent my day off studying English in a local library. Since I no longer went to school as often I decided that I should use my days off to study subjects I struggle in. I mostly struggle in things like foreign languages and histories. I don't understand the concept of some other languages and the distinct words used within the countries. English is harder for myself but I seem to have been catching onto it a lot easier. Korean was usually easy, but since I studied English for a longer period of time I understand it a bit better than Korean.

After studying for about an hour, Sanha then came in and sat across from me. He didn't say anything at first, which caused me to think he was just another student coming to study. He then leaned over my laptop to see what I was studying and I looked up from my book of English literature. "May I help you?" I questioned with sass. "Why're you studying English when you struggle more with Korean?" He asked. "Because my company already provides Korean tutors to help me learn Korean. No one helps me learn English, and a lot of our fans know English. I want to learn English so I can communicate with the rest of them. "What about the ones that don't know English, Japanese or Korean?" Sanha asked again. I sighed in frustration. He was asking way too many questions when I was obviously doing something I felt was important. "Then the other members can learn a language. I already know three, I think their capable of learning another." I said a bit annoyed. "What if they have a harder time learning new languages?" Sanha asked yet another question. I shrugged violently and said "I don't know, then maybe they can get a tutor?" I suggested. Sanha angrily pouted and started mumbling under his breath. I hated when someone would do that. I just huffed and went back to studying English.

"Do you need coffee? You seem tired." Sanha offered.

"Sanha, you don't even drink coffee." I stated.

"I'm going to go get some for you. I'll bring you fruit from our dorm as well. We cut up some mango and pineapple this morning and I know those are some of your favorites. I'll be back in a minute." He said as he ran off. It made me smile that he still bothered to care about the things I enjoy. It made me feel less abandoned and forgotten. I read away and when I came across a word I didn't understand I looked it up. Since Japanese is my first language, an English to Korean dictionary wouldn't be helpful at all. This is where my laptop came in handy.

"Amber's ambiguous thoughts made people skeptical of her. No one wanted to associate with someone with different ideas than their 'Utopian' society." I read. "Ambiguous?" I asked myself. Obviously I looked up what it meant, but the grammar between English and Japanese was very confusing. Eventually, I did understand as to what ambiguous meant, it was extremely difficult to me though. Soon enough, Sanha came back with coffee and fruit that he promised. I thanked him and began to snack on the tropical fruit he supplied.

"Does your group have the day off?" Sanha asked. "Yeah, today is our relaxing day." I answered. "Where are the other members then?" He questioned looking around for them. "They're out shopping for clothing." I answered with my head still buried in the book. "Oh, why aren't you with them?" He asked. "I don't need clothing and I rather be building my career." I answered. Sanha then nodded, finally shutting up. "You should take a break. You've been here for how long? Two, maybe three hours?" Sanha suggested. "I've been here for two hours and fifteen minutes. I'm doing well so I don't need a break." I argued. "We both know that you struggle with English and yet you're here working very hard and have yet to take an actual break." Sanha sassed. I shoved another piece of mango in my mouth and looked up at him from my book. He was much taller than me, and him standing behind me in a dim lit room didn't make it easier to read. "Okay, I'll take a break." I sighed. Sanha jumped and quickly shoved everything into my messenger bag I carried. "We're gonna drop this off at your dorm and you're going to go shopping like a normal teenager." Sanha practically ripped my arm off while dragging me to my dorm.

He plopped the bad onto the futon in the television room and pushed me out of the Night Era building. "You need to fit the image of your company. When people think of your company they judge it based on how the building looks." Sanha said. He pulled me across the street and pointed up to Night Era's building. The building sounded just like how it looked; dark. The building was colored black and the windows were bright blue with the frames being purely white. It was a simple building with simple architecture. "Gothic aesthetic." Sanha stated. "What?" I questioned. "The building looks kinda....... Scary?" Sanha examined. "Your building is black and orange though." I stated. "With many windows." Sanha added. "Yeah, we don't have many windows for how big the building is." I admitted. "So our mission is to get simple patterns and designs and a lot of black, gray and white clothing." Sanha explained. "Aim to dressed like idols from YG because they have a similar concept, but their building is more chic. So just go for trendy grungy clothing. Y'know?" Sanha said. I shook my head no because I had no idea what he was trying to get at.

"I'll just help you." He groaned. I nodded my head, and soon he was dragging me again.

He picked out many clothes that were plainly colored and was not my style at all. "You have the clothing taste of a grandma, and it works for you, but this'll make you even more beautiful." Sanha explained. I tried on all the clothing he picked out and he clapped for ones he really liked and shook his head for ones he didn't think suit me as much. He completely changed the way I dressed and I kinda enjoyed it. "Rather than looking like a little girl, you look like a woman." He gasped. I got very embarrassed by his comments and hid my face often. I didn't know how to take compliments like that, but with this new look I'm going to have to get used to it.

When we finished Sanha paid for the clothing, which made me feel extremely bad. His reasoning was because it was his idea to go shopping and his idea to pick out a whole new wardrobe for me. He said he also had fun so he didn't mind paying. I thanked him with hugs and words of appreciate, then he started to blush. "I can't wait for when you wear those clothes to airports and shows. Everyone will see your beauty and not just how adorable you are." Sanha ruffled my hair.

We parted ways to our buildings and by that time the others were already in the dorm. You could hear them showing each other what they got and I was really excited to show them the clothing Sanha had picked. "Sora! That looks so cute on you!" Miran had squealed. "Thank youuu~" She sang. I then walked in, and everyone stared at me and the loads of bag I carried on my arms. They rushed up to help me and set the bag on my bed. "I thought you were going to study?" Miran asked. "I took a break?" I shrugged. "Well let's see what you got!" Eunjae said excitedly. When I showed them what Sanha had purchased for me, they all gasped. "Rina, if I knew you liked this type of clothing I would've let you borrow my clothes!" Miran squealed. "You'll be such a woman!" Eunjae clapped excitedly.

Everyone was getting along and laughing at the silly things we all had. We compare wardrobes and styles of one another and had a great rest of the day off.

Then when the night was just about to end and I took off all my makeup and finished my skincare routine, I had gotten a call.

It was Minhyuk.


"Have you seen Sanha earlier today?"

"Yeah, but it was onl-"

"Do you know when you saw him last?"

"Outside my company's building. Why do you ask?"

Minhyuk sighed.

"He hasn't come home."


Longest chapter I've ever published! I Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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