Part seventeen

426 17 7

Neo Yeppeuda~
Wait wrong group..

A couple minutes of talking with the girls passed and a knock at the door was heard. Miran opened the door and by her voice you know she felt uncomfortable. "Uhhh, welcome back!"
I headed to the door curiously. When I reached the entrance, I saw my brother holding a very nervous Minhyuk. "Can someone please tell him I'm not a perverted fan!" He cried out. "Kaito, you cannot just do that to people." I scolded. "I have no clue who this person is and he is going to my little sister's dorm! I am allowed to be a bit protective sometimes." Kaito shouted back. 

"Kaito, he is my friend!" I yelled at him. "How come I've never heard of him then?!" He bickered. "Because I don't live with you anymore and you never call me or text me." I pouted. Jairo finally let go of Minhyuk and gave me a hug. "Alright who the hell is this dude?" Kaito asked as he let go of me. "Minhyuk, this is my big brother Kaito. Kaito, this is Minhyuk. He is in the same group as Sanha. We've became close friends." I explained to him. He nodded his head, then extended his arm to shake hands with Rocky. Rocky hesitantly grasped my brothers hand and eased into the gesture. "I apologize for harassing you." My brother said to Minhyuk.

"It's not that big of a deal." Minhyuk nodded. With that my brother decided to leave with only a wave and a simple goodbye. Soon, everyone dispersed except for Minhyuk, Miran and myself. Miran eyes seemed to water a bit as her nose and cheeks became flushed. Minhyuk awkwardly stood there, obviously not knowing how to help the situation. I dragged Miran into the bathroom closet. Pulling the string that switched on the light, I saw a tear fall down her cheek. Although she was very beautiful and the visual of our group, she was the ugliest when she cried. "Sh sh sh sh sh," I pulled her in for a hug, "don't you dare cry over him." I told her. "Just explain to him how you feel. I'm sure that everything will work out okay." I said while stroking her hair. "But what about you. You like him very much and even a close friend of his. You deserve this more than I." She sniffled.

Without any second thought. I reassured her that it was okay with me. Of course, I would be a bit upset. But, at least this time it won't be done behind my back. We walked out of the bathroom closet and back to the living room where Minhyuk sat on the floor. "You've returned!" He cheered. I nodded, as well did Miran. "Minhyuk, I would like to speak to you about this lack of communication between us two." Miran stated. He sat there looking up at her confused and curious. "Okay, I'm ready when you are." He said a bit impatiently. I asked if they would've liked me to leave, but they both said I was welcome to stay. So while they discussed what they needed to, I prepared Minhyuk some snacks. He's a big eater sometimes and I know that he had walked. I listened in on their conversation, but pretended that I was minding my own business.

"Minhyuk, I know that I was quite rude to you when we first met. I sincerely apologize for that. I am skeptical honestly. You only saw my looks, not who I was. I thought you were like every other guy who has flattered me. Then I saw how sweet you were to Arina. I've realized that you're not the type of guy to just pretend with someone." Miran rambled. Minhyuk nodded intently, scratching his head every now and again. "Miran, if I am perfectly honest, you are one of the prettiest girls I have seen. I think that we could become friends now that you're willing to actually talk to me. You can't be jealous if I spend more time with Arina than you. I am closer with her and she is special to me." Minhyuk paused, "You'd have to posses some power to fill her shoes. So don't even think that you can replace her."

With that, my cheeks burned. I'm pretty sure my face was redder than any tomato, hotter than any wasabi. (Wasabi isn't that hot to me but I didn't know what to fill in for tamale because not many Mexicans in South Korea, man.) I splashed water on my face, afraid of anyone seeing me so RED! I think I splashed a bit too much of water because I ended up slipping on it. "Hey, is everything okay?" Minhyuk said while noticeably getting closer to the kitchen. Frantically, I opened the cupboard under the sink and poked my head in it. "OH YEAH! JUST CHECKING ON THE PIPES. I THINK IT MAY BE LEAKING BECAUSE I SLIPPED ON THIS PUDDLE!.... OH LOOK! I JUST HAVE TO TIGHTEN IT A BIT!" I said nervously. I pretended to fix the pipe and felt my face cool down a bit. I took my head out of the cupboard and looked to the side of me. Standing there before me, was a Miran and Minhyuk looking at me oddly. "Um, all good now?" Miran questioned. I nodded and cleaned up the puddle of water on the floor.

Miran gave Minhyuk a hug, then waved goodbye as she walked into her and Eunjae's room. "Alright, sit your bum down and explain why YOU MADE ME MEET WITH SANHA AT THE LIBRARY!" I yelled. "You two need to make up. Your friendship shouldn't end just now when you two need each other." Minhyuk said calmly. I crossed my arms while rolling my eyes. "Oh c'mon... Don't be mad at me." He pleaded. "I don't need Sanha." I told him. "You do." He started, "Whether you accept it or not, you'll always care for him in some way. So you might as well care for him and be friends than care for him while hating him."

He was partially right. Yes, I did care for his well being, but until yesterday I never even gave Sanha a thought really. "Yeah, fine. Whatever." I said. I hugged him due to what he said last night. He's lonely. He needs me.

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