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Weeks later...

Aug laid asleep with Milan's tiny body  in his arms and Zahir's head on his lap.

I stood in the doorway and smiled at the sight of my family.

It was amazing enough to bring a tear to my eyes .. But I had to keep it gangsta.

I walked over to the bed and tried to take Milan out of Aug's arms so I could put her in her crib, he immediately jumped up and held onto her tighter.

"Baby, what you doin?!" He asked.

"Aug, I love that you're infatuated with our daughter but she needs to sleep in her crib... It's not safe to knock out with a infant in your arms! she could fall." I whispered.

"I'll never let my princess fall...I want her to sleep with me." Aug looked down at her.

"Oh, now you choose to be daddy of the year." I smugly said, sad that zahir didn't receive the same kind of love.

"Cmon, Kami.. Don't be petty. Milan is my chance to right all the wrongs I did with Zahir... I'll never let my baby girl down. See the way you attached to King? I'm not leaving Milan's side." Aug kissed her forehead.

"I see she's gonna be a daddy's girl.. She don't ever sleep that well with me." I spoke with slight jealously.

"Good. Baby, did you pack well? Our trip is in two days." Aug asked, referring to our honeymoon vacation.

"Yeah, I'm all good- I gotta million sundresses for Cancun to see! " I clapped, excited.

"Shhh! Not so loud.. You'll wake them. Can you go get me Milan's blanket? It's in her nursery.. " Aug asked.

He was being more of a mommy than I was!

I walked off and went to go fetch the blanket.

I noticed a small white box on the dresser that I've never seen before.

I furrowed my eyebrows and reached for it. It was definitely a jewelry box, but who did it belong to?

I opened it and it was a tiny bracelet that had Milan's name on it with angel's on either sides.

I opened it and it was a tiny bracelet that had Milan's name on it with angel's on either sides

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"But who bought this? And why am I just now seeing it-?" I asked myself.

There was a small card that immediately answered my question and brought exuberance to my heart.

"Congratulations on your pretty little new addition to the Alsina family!
Watching over you guys, every step of the way with care and love.

I looked up and smiled.

"Thanks, Shaq. I love and miss you, man."

Milan in M/M

Okay, so y'all can thank TiTi Tasha (a fellow reader) for this extra chapter I'm finna give y'all! She swayed me. Lmao.

It ain't the end just yet...

His EverythingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ