12. The Business Trip

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"Sorry, can I get out? I really need to pee." I say to Caleb, unbuckling my seat belt, and standing up in the cramped space of economy class. In our rush to get out of New York city and head to Brighton in the UK, we forgot to book ourselves business class. What a freaking shame. Now, Caleb and I are smushed in the unluxorious space of the back of the plane.

He looks at me before standing up himself and stepping into the aisle so I can climb out of our row of seats. I mumble a thank you to him as I pass. It's awkward though because I'm sure he has a great view of my butt shoved in his face as I squeeze between him and the leaned back seat in front of him. I make it out and walk to the very back of the plane to stand in line for the bathroom. Luckily, the plane has a window that I can look out as I stand in line. I take the opportunity to admire the view out the window...which is just...water.

Endless water.

I sigh and look away from the window, resuming my boring wait in line.

In the bathroom, I look in the mirror, barely able to turn around in the tiny space.

"I look like hell." I whisper to myself, seeing my bloodshot eyes and static-y hair. My t-shirt is beyond wrinkled and there's a piece of cracker in my hair. I wince at my ungodly appearance, and begin to fix myself. I flick out the crumb, and attempt to fix my shirt, but there's no hope. I still look dead. There's no way to fix this other than to sleep and be back on the holy ground.

I go pee, wash my hands, and step back out in the the narrow little aisle of the airplane. I make my way back to my seat, trying not to wake the sleeping people or step on feet that are sticking out.

When I get back to my row, I see that Caleb is TEXTING!?!? He's going to kill us all.

"Put your phone on airplane mode, you moron!" I whisper-yell at him. "Don't you listen to what the captain says? If we die, I'm blaming you."

He just looks up blankly at me, before continuing texting. He stands up to let me climb into my seat, but doesn't put his phone away. I'm so tempted to smack it right out of his hand and hope that it becomes unusable, but I decide against it. If he wants to put us in harms way, so be it. Living a life like this...Living being ignored by the one person whom I cared so much about at one point...is not worth it.


I drag my suitcase through the airport, Enny following closely behind, her massive black backpack weighing her down. I almost offer to take it for her, but I doubt she'd take my help.

These past couple years have been harsh on me. I never meant to push her away like that, but whenever I feel regret, I just remember the voice memo that Henry had me listen to. And everytime I remember her words, I feel no regret anymore.

Anymore. That would've been her name if she had married that Henry guy. Enny Moore.

I laugh at that thought and Enny gives me a weird look, but doesn't ask questions.

We step outside into the slightly cold atmosphere of the UK. It's always been a dream of mine to travel here, but I never thought it would have to be because of a lawsuit. What idiots. My life's hard enough as is, these people are just making it that much harder.

Enny and I jump into a cab and get driven to Brighton. It's beautiful.

The sea is just in across the street from our hotel and the view is amazing.

Enny and I booked hotel rooms next to each other on the third floor, but our words to each other are limited. A few excuse me's, thank you's, yeses and nos.

In my room, I place my suitcase at the end of my bed, unzipping it and pulling out some basic necessities that I'll need for the upcoming night. It's already 7pm and I am beyond drained. I feel about ready to pass out, but then I realize that I have Enny's phone charger in my bag. I curse under my breath, realizing that I'll have to get up and go to her room.

I haul my fat butt off the bed and leave my room to head over to hers.

The door to the room is slightly open so I decide to just go in and leave the charger on the table...get out as quickly as possible.

When I walk in, she's in the middle of putting on a shirt, her whole torso showing.

And I can't help but think how beautiful she looks.

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