16. A Bump in The Road

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It's been an awkward few weeks back in the states after having heard what Caleb really thinks. I suspect that Damon knows something's up because he keeps asking if I'm okay, but I really don't know what to feel towards him or anybody.

"Enny, are you okay?" He asks for the fifth time in 2 hours. "You seem a little off lately."

"I'm fine." I reply as I have been. I take a bite out of my ice cream sandwich as I lounge on the couch watching an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Damon walks around and sits next to me, placing a hand on my leg. "No, you're not fine. I know what fine looks like, and this is not it. Just tell me what happened. You'll feel better."

I swallow, knowing that if I tell him anything, this will all just end badly. "I can't."

Confusion flashes across his face. "What do you mean? Of course you can."

"No, I can't."

Suddenly, the confusion goes away and turns to anger. "It's Caleb, isn't it? I'll go punch him right now if you need me to. Has he been being an ass?" He stands up angrily, ready for a fight.

I quickly sit up and grab his arm, pulling him back down onto the couch with me. "No no no no, you don't need to do that." I tell him. "But I'm going to tell you something, and you aren't going to be happy."

He turns his gaze from the TV to me, worry clear in his eyes. "What is it?" he asks.

"On that business trip I went on a few weeks ago...remember that?" He nods his head and I continue. "Well, I was having a conversation with Caleb, and some things about our past came up and some stuff was said and...well...you know I love you right?"

He pulls his arm away from my grasp. "Did you cheat on me?"

"No, I didn't cheat on you, Damon. I'm not that kind of person. But anyways, I realized that my feelings are elsewhere, and I want to take a break from us."

"Are you saying you want to break up?" He asks, his eyes ablaze. I nod my head. "What the fuck?"

"Look, I'm sorry, I just need time to figure things out."

"Figure what out? Are you in love with him?" He stands up, furious. "I might as well go punch him anyways!"

"Don't you dare do that." I glare at him.

"So you are in love with him!"

"I never said that!"

"yeah? well, you never said you didn't."

I don't reply.

He scoffs, walking to the front door and putting his hand on the knob. "2 years together, and you dump me for that piece of shit? You complain about him to me every single day, and suddenly you don't want me anymore. You don't want the person who has supported you through your toughest times for the past 2 years! No, you want the asshole who's been causing you pain. Okay, I get it. But when you find out he's not good for you, I won't be there for you to rebound." With that, he rips open the door, stomping out into the hallway, and slams it shut.


"Hey, Amanda!" I yell up the stairs to my girlfriend of 2 years. "Can we talk?"

She appears at the top of the stairs, a towel wrapped around her shoulders, her wet brown hair a curly mess. "Yeah, sure, what's up? I've actually been meaning to talk to you too..." She descends the stairs quickly, and we walk to the dining room table together. Taking a seat across from me, she begins to talk.

"You wanna go first, or should I?" She asks me, folding her hands together on the table.

"You go ahead." I say, feeling bad for what I'm about to tell her.

"Okay, so," She begins, her blue eyes looking into mine. "While you were away, I went to the doctor because I hadn't been feeling very well. Remember how I was puking a lot?"

"Yeah, but that was the seafood, right?"

She purses her lips. "Wrong. So the doctor did some tests, and..." She pauses, and looks at her hands.

"And what?" I ask as I lean forward in anticipation.

"I'm pregnant."

The words hang in the air like smoke on a day that isn't windy. Pregnant means a baby. A baby means that I'm going to be a father, which means breaking up with her would be a very bad idea for the baby's sake.

"Are you sure?" I place my hand on hers.

"Yeah...pretty sure...I have the pictures from the ultra sound if you want to see them." She tells me.

"Yeah, yeah I'd love to see them."

She pushes back her chair and goes over to one of the drawers in the kitchen, pulling out a string of black and white glossy pictures. She places them on the table in front of me and takes a seat once again. She has a smile on her face like none I've ever seen before. It looks like pure joy.

I look at each of the pictures, and sure enough, there is a baby shaped thing in every image. It's kind of just a blob, but I guess that's what a baby looks like.

"Wow, this is...wonderful!" I say, a wide smile stretching across my face.

"I know right! Now, what were you going to tell me?" She asks me, and I realize that this baby has put a huge stop sign in the road that I was about to go down.

"Um," I begin, trying to create a quick cover up. "I actually have no idea anymore, I can't even think straight, this is such big news!"

She laughs, and I smile with her. "So, wanna start picking names then?"

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