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Mariketa's POV

"Do you want to build a snowman?" I sing as I knock on Steve's door. He opens the door and I push my way past him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"More like ' who do I think I'm doing' am I right?" I tease as I take a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Mariketa could you stop, you're beginning to sound like Stark." 

"Stark it is..." I mumble.

Steve glares at me. I smile innocently.

"Sooo,nice room you got here,Amerika!" His room is the complete opposite of mine. While his is tidy and well kept, mine is a complete train wreck....just like my life!

He makes no comment to my complement, how dare he! He just stands there staring at me with his arms makes me,the one known for being heartless and completely emotionless, feel bad.

"Why exactly are you in my room with out my permission?" he asks after what seemed like an hour of silence.

"Oh....well,there's this guy who wants to speak with you!" 

"Well you could have just told me that instead of barging in on me!"

"Hey! You're the one who opened the door so technically you let me in!" I say raising my voice at the star spangled loser, I can't wait to destroy him.

"Okay,okay, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." he says calmly. Why is he apologising?? Maybe he's intimidated by me?? 

A weird sensation washes over me, something I've never felt before as I look into this strange man's I dying or something?? 

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