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Steve's POV

"Where are they?" I mumble as I search for Stark and Mariketa.

Today is the day I'm going to confess my feelings to Mariketa....if I could just find her!

I should have done it during training,but she seemed angry,always trying to get ahead of me while running or trying to lift more...what did I do?

I sigh,thinking about giving up the search when I suddenly hear laughing.

I locate the laughing to the exact room,but hesitate to open the door.

What if she doesn't share the same feelings- what if she likes Stark! They are always together,making jokes,insulting each other, insulting others together...they seem compatible,but still,I must try!

With that in mind I slam open the door to find a shocking site- Stark and Mariketa...drunk?

As soon as she sees me she starts to giggle.

"Ayy,look! Its-it's Mr.Amerika!" she says pointing excitedly at me. I force a smile.

She gets up and walks-more like hobbles, over to me.

"I-I like you,man! You're so so,*hic* great!" she says as she attempts to place a hand on my shoulder,but misses.

"Mariketa you're drunk." I say to her.

"Liess!! I'm not drunk! You are!!" she hisses.

"Can you tell the time then?" I ask her while I point at the clock. She goes over to the clock and stares at it for a moment.

"I AM NOT DRUNK!!!" She screams at the clock

"Okay,okay. I think thats enough for tonight." I say as I take a bottle of vodka from her as she protests.

"You should stay the night too~" she purrs as I help her into bed.

"No thanks,I have to clean the mess you and stark have made." I say as she whines.

I sigh as I pick up the mess, guess I'll tell her tomorrow...

Just then I hear the Funeral March play-Mariketa left her phone.

Curiously I look at the phone the contact reads "Hitler Humper" more curiosity sets in so I pick up the phone.

"Agent Zlatkovski?hello? Do you have the information yet?? hello?! Don't play games with me Mariketa!!..."

The phone slips out of my hand. can't be...

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