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Steve's POV

"Too bad Mariketa isn't here,she's would have loved this!" 

I sigh and give Stark an annoyed look.

"Tony,just drop it,we are on a mission that requires our full concentration!" I say sternly.

"I agree with Steve,we can get the information on Mariketa's where abouts later." Thor chimes in.

A week has passed and I have tried my best to forget the traitor,but to no avail, since Stark and Thor won't shuttup about it. I should just tell them what went down,but they'll find out soon enough....

"We'll be arriving at the destination in about an hour though" stark says as he puts the jet into auto pilot.

"Well,it's a matter that I choose not to explain at the moment!" I say as I slump into my seat.

"What's the big deal Capsicle? You're acting like she is an enemy or something!"

If only he knew...if only I had the guts to tell him...

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