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Mariketa's POV

'Agent Zlatkovski?'

"Ohhh,look at me! I'm Marissa! I think I'm special because I can pronounce Mariketa's last name so that means imma call her by her last name so I can look cool!"

'Now is not the time for this! I will report this and you will be punished!'

"Okay,okay! Why did you need to speak with me?"

'Haven't you heard? The Avengers know our next location...oopsies'

"Marissa why would you give them a lead?!"

'Its a fake lead,stupid! The lead is going to be used to pass information back and forth using our immature,idiotic spy!'

"Ouch,but I haven't been informed by them about this Hydra lead thingy!"

'Well,get prying because this is the only chance of getting this information across, the information that you were supposed to get...'

"Don't worry,I have it"

'Good,I'll be waiting for it,you better be there or......well,you know!'

"Wait, I don't know"

'Well,you don't want to find out'

"What do you mean?"

'Hail hydra!'

".....hail hydra...."

I sigh as I hang up the pay phone. Welp,time to play superhero.

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