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Mariketa's POV

"We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!" I sing as Steve and I walk down a long path towards an 'abandoned warehouse'.

"I understand that reference." Steve mumbles as he stares at the road in front of us.

"You're too precious for this world!!" I coo at the now blushing Steve. He's been acting very strange lately....I don't know why, I hope it's not my fault.

Wait, I should not care about this guy's feelings, I'm on a mission for Hydra! Rule one: don't get emotional attached to anything or anyone you or someone else could easily wipe from existence! I've only made one exception to that rule....Luna Livingston. She's the one and only person I'll EVER truely trust on this cold harsh plane of existence.

"Are you okay,Mariketa?" I jerk my head to look at Steve who has now stopped and is staring at me.

"Oh,yeah,I just zoned out....sorry." why in the fuck am I apologising???

After that strange episode we continue on our way to the warehouse where some of those evil Hydra baddies are...I crack myself up. Gotta think like an Avenger,am I right??

"Are you sure you dont want to wait out here?" Steve asks as we now stand in front of the entrance of the warehouse.

"I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man! I can fight!" He rolls his eyes and motions for me to follow him. The warehouse is old,obviously, and dusty, I had to refrain from sneezing in order to not 'blow our stealth attack'.

Suddenly we're surrounded because I 'accidentally' coughed very,VERY loudly. Of course Steve shoved me out of the way to take on all the bad guys himself....if only he knew the truth behind this.

"Watch out!" he shouts as I encounter three Hydra members,hey,Marissa is one! I halfheartedly fight Marissa and the others in order to not raise suspicion. As I slap Marissa-God it feels good to hit her smartass face, I slip a flash drive into her hand. She tries to shove me to the ground to feign an escape so I have to pretend to stumble. Now here comes the fun part.

Steve would be very disappointed if I let all three escape,hell, he might even become suspicious so I must destroy the other makes sense,right?

I easily snap the female's neck,no shame...but I know the male very well to know that he has a family...

I pin him to the wall as I laugh at his attempts to stop me and roll my eyes at his pathetic pleading.

"I'll tell your wife and kids your death was painless!" I say as ice begins to form from my fingertips, forming a sharp shard of ice. I give him a fake look of sympathy as I slowly penetrate the left side of his chest,right where the heart is supposed to be. I watch as the life is slowly drained from him.

"Dasvidaniya" I whisper as I watch his eyes cloud over.

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