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Mariketa's POV


A grin spreads across my face as I approach the agents that almost succeeded in killing Steve.

....He would have died if it wasn't for me...but why did I save him...? I told myself that I wouldn't hesitate to end the glory days of the Avengers and become a legend to Hydra agents all around,yet here I am killing off my fellow members in order to protect an Avenger.

The euphoria from the successful kills soon drained as I realize that I'm royally fucked...I'm a traitor to both sides, why am I fighting then?
I notice Steve staring at me and the pile of agents I have taken down, but I don't care...I need to find Luna!

"Wait! Where do you think you're going" Steve and Marissa say in unison.

They look at each other in confusion before remembering that they both are in the middle of a battle with each of them being on opposite sides.
The duo's confusion gave me a head start and I attempt to run in the direction of Luna's escape route.

But,of course I always manage to have the worse of luck and end up coming across a scene that stops my heart.

There is Luna; lying motionless in the snow.

I let out a soul wrenching scream.

Then the darkness engulfs me....

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