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Steve's POV

"That's right guys! I saved Amerika's life!!" Mariketa exclaims as she tells the story of our mission.

"Actually you only defended yourself,which is still impressive." I reassure while correcting her.

"Well, you let one get away!" she accuses.

"I was busy being surrounded!" 

"You two still suck." Stark mumbles. Mariketa glares at him,she was about to say something but she was interrupted by a loud crash.

"Asgard's favourite son has arrived!" Looks like Thor's back!

"Wait...who are you?" Mariketa gets up and approaches Thor with her eyes narrowed. She looks like a child compared to the towering Asgardian....I don't know why but I find her height adorable...

"I am Thor, the son of Odin himself! And who might you be,small one?" 

"Small one?!" Mariketa echoes. Ice begins to form at her fingertips,she looks like she's about to pounce on Thor, I better intervene...

"This is Mariketa Zlatkovski. She's a New recruit. She's honoured to meet you." I say as I place my hand on Mariketa's shoulder and give her a warning glance.

"Honoured my ass,why would I be honoured to meet goldielocks?"

"That is no way to speak to a God." Thor replies.

"Oh my! I'm sooo sorry! Did I make the God of luscious locks angry?! Are you going to punish me by giving me split ends!?" 

"Mariketa...." I warn. 

"That was a good one!" looks like Stark has joined the conversation. Mariketa highfives Stark and turns back to Thor, she has courage I'll give her that!

"Mariketa as an Avenger you should learn to respect your fellow companions."

"I know, I know! I'm just kidding with him! No hard feelings,right?" she slaps Thors chest as she walks away.

"I'm sorry,Mariketa is....something else." I apologize,because we all know Mariketa isn't going to.

"Do not apologize for the woman, I have none of these feelings of hardness against her." Thor reassures.

"I actually admire her attitude! Its not everyday that someone insults me without a bit of fear." 

Ha,your not the only one who admires her...

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