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Mariketa's POV

"Hahaha,great job Zlatkovski!!"

"Shuttup,Marissa! Like you could do any better!" I hiss at the girl standing in front of me.

I managed to make it back to base in only three days after the 'incident'.

To some I'm a screw up,to others I'm a legend...I could care less what they think.

I see something out of the corner of my eye,but it was too late and I got tackled.

"You're alive!!!!!" my dearest friend Luna shrieks.

"Haha, we did have a promise!" I say as I hold up my pinky finger.

She helps me up off the ground and then hugs me.

"So,how did you escape those Avengers?" she asks.

"With my amazing skills!" I boast to Luna.

"Yeah,okay..." she says in a sarcastic tone as I stick my tongue out at her.

"I'm just glad you're alive!"

" too..."

~~~Time skip~~~~

"Ahhhhh,I hate my life!!" I yell into my pillow as I continue to toss and turn.

I can't help but to feel guilty of what I have! I'm never like this! What did those stupid superheros do to me?!

I sigh as I check the time- midnight.

No,I'm Mariketa the heartless- I have no time for these petty emotions for that star spangled man!

I swear if I ever see him and his group of super imbeciles I will not hesitate to end their reign of glory.....hopefully....

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