Twenty One

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Mariketa's P.O.V


I continue to stare at the wall of my cell. I can't think,I can't feel,I can't speak,I can't's all my fault!

She's gone.

The only person I had left.
The only one who was willing to stick with me until the end.

It should have been me! Why her? She didn't deserve it! I roped her into all of this! I may have had no where to go but a life of crime,but she had potential; she could have been someone more than a now deceased grunt for a twisted organization.

She wanted to be a nurse; she wanted to help people, but I selfishly dragged her to a humiliating demise.

I'm sorry Luna...

"Mariketa...? Are you crying?"
I look up to see a concerned Tony looking down at me.
I lower my gaze; I will not look my enemy in the eye.

I hear the sound of the password of the electronic keypad being put into the system and the door opening. He shouldn't open the door for any means unless it is absolutely necessary, even then he should report the reasoning to the others for approval.
I'm extremely dangerous and 'not to be trusted in any way,shape,or form' according to The marvelous Captain America.

I wish I could hate him.

Tony places tissues in front of me.
I look up at him in confusion.

"I know ole capsicle said not to associate with the terrorist in the basement, but I don't think you really are as bad as he claims."

I want to say something,but I can't.

There is awkward silence as we look at one another; unsure of what to do Tony  starts to shred a tissue into small pieces.

After a while of sitting in silence Tony gets up with a sigh.

"The door was open the whole time and you didn't dare to attempt to escape..."
He says as he walks towards the door.

He turns and looks at me once again.
"I saw what you saved Cap's life. You're not as bad as they're not as bad as you think. You could convince them of that too,if only you would speak. I'm pretty sure they'd even let you go....probably not, but don't you think it's worth a shot?"

We stare at each other for what feels like decades.
He breaks eye contact first with a solemn head shake.

As he closes the door-his head hung low, I stand up.


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