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Steve's POV

"I don't think you're experienced enough to take on this mission." I say to Mariketa for the tenth time.

"I can handle it,I swear,please!!"

"But you're supposed to be hiding from Hydra!" I argue.

"I don't need to hide when I have you,though!" Her eyes widen as soon the words leave her mouth. I don't know what to say,what did she mean? A blush spread across my face,could I be falling in love with her?

"I mean by the promise,you know what I mean!" I notice a slight pink tint across her face.

"Oh,yeah,of course..." I say while rubbing the back of my neck. Of course she wouldn't be into a guy like me....I bet she likes Stark! The thought of her with that "billionaire playboy philanthropist" makes me clinch my fists.

"So I can go with you,right?" She says as she gives me a sideways glance.

"I don't know,let me think..." I say as I walk away from her to grab a bottle of water. As I do so she follows me. She stares intensely at me as I drink the water. I continue to do various actions like walking around the living room, sitting on the couch she follows me everywhere I go. she even waited at the bathroom door when I had to use it! I sigh and stop abruptly causing her to bump into me. I help her up as she mumbles a curse at me.

"Soo,you done thinking yet?"

"Why is this so important to you?"

"I want to prove my worth to you!" she says staring into my eyes. It feels as if her cold eyes stare straight into my soul. I think I'll give her a chance,maybe I'll get to know her better,maybe we'll grow closer- as friends of course!

The last thought in my mind as I make my desision.


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