Chapter 1- Chloes pov

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I screamed at the top of my lungs, not stopping even when my throat was so raw it was bleeding. Tears streamed down my face, burning my eyes and blurring my vision. I screamed again, letting out a defeated sob when I finished. No one could hear me, me screaming was pointless, yet I couldn't get the small hope that someone would come out of my mind.

I leaned back against the wall, sliding down it after my legs gave out. I couldn't see anything around me, it was all pitch black. A small window at the top of the wall gave little to no light, the only thing being illuminated by it was the ceiling.

I softly yanked my wrists towards me, wincing when the rope dug tighter into my skin. I've been tied up in this empty, concrete room for what seemed like days. I couldn't move around much, the rope that was tied around my wrist was attached to another rope that was tied around a small hook in the floor.  There was faded red stains all over the floor, and I liked to imagine that it was nothing but paint stains. Deciding to yell one last time, I gave it a go. It couldn't hurt to try once more before giving up.

"Please, someone help me!" I screamed, not as loud as a bit ago but loud enough if someone walked by they heard.

I went to scream again when a loud bang echoed through the room and light flooded in. I squeezed my eyes shut, holding a hand out in front of me to block my eyes. Slowly, I opened them, squinting to see what was happening. A black silhouetted figure began walking towards me, the size of the person and how huge is muscles looked made my heart drop.

"For the love of God can you shut the fuck up?" The man growled out, raising his arm and throwing something at me.

I shrieked and covered myself, afraid whatever it was would hurt when it hit. I slowly lowered my arms when I didn't feel anything at all. Laying in front of me was a sandwich, well, what was a sandwich. It was now strewn all over the floor, the ham and bread looking slightly moldy. I didn't care though. I scrambled as fast as I could to put it back together, shoving half of it in my mouth without a second thought.

"Nasty bitch," I heard the man mutter, but I ignored him. I haven't had anything to eat since who knows when, I was desperate for anything to get into my stomach.

I was almost done with the sandwich when someone else walked into the room, walking over to a corner and flipping the light switch on. I turned away as fast I could, but not in time for the light not to hurt my eyes. I blinked away tears as I turned and looked at the two men, swallowing the rest of my sandwich.

The first man that walked in here had short, red hair with tattoos that went up the side of his face. Tattoos covered his bulky arms, making the man look even more intimidating. The way he stood with his arms crossed made him ooze confidence, but I could see that he was slightly nervous by the other mans presence.

Just one glance at the other man made me immediately realize who he was. The boss. The leader of whatever all of this is. This man loomed over us all, his height more than likely being 6'1. He had jet black hair that was also cut short, the black hair making his blue eyes stand out. He had a red, jagged scar that ran from his left temple down to right below his eye. Tattoos creeped up his neck, and I wondered if it hurt getting them done there.

I curled up as much as I could, their intense gaze making me uncomfortable. The man with the red hair went to speak, but the other man held his hand up, making him immediately shut his mouth. The boss began making slow, deliberate steps towards me, the murderous look on his face making my heart stop.

He squatted down in front of me, reaching out and grabbing a hold of my chin. He yanked me towards him and I grunted, falling slightly forward when he did that. I gritted my teeth, looking up at him as he moved my head from side to side. Out of the corner of my eye, I seen him slowly reach into his back pocket and slide something out. Once I realized what it was, I tried yanking my face out of his hand, groaning in pain when he only tightened his grip.

I watched as he brought the knife fully into view, the corners of his mouth twitching into a small smile when he seen the fear on my face. Forcefully, I yanked my face away, moving myself from him as far as I could. He reached out and wrapped his hand around my throat, squeezing as he yanked me back towards him.

I coughed and grabbed at his hands, desperately trying to loosen his grip. I weekly tapped his hand as black started edging my vision. He just stared at me, almost like he was wanting to watch me die right then and there. Then again, he probably did.

Finally he let go enough to where I could breathe, thankfully giving me a moment to catch my breath. His eyes searched my face as we had a small stare down.

Oddly, he gave a small smile before whispering, "Lights out princess."

Before I could process it, he shoved me back, hard. My head smacked the wall behind me, and then there was nothing but darkness.


I slowly opened my eyes, careful not to make any movements that would alert someone that I was awake. All I could see was black, and I quickly realized they put something over my face to block my view.

"Do you have the money or not?" I heard the boss man ask.

There was a small pause before, "Yes Ace, I have your money. In fact, I've had your money, you've just been too big of a pussy to meet me till now."

Nothing was said after that and I could practically hear Ace's teeth grinding together. The other male voice that I heard sounded oddly familiar, but I couldn't quiet place my finger on who's voice it was. I slowly shifted my body, involuntarily groaning out in pain when a sharp ass rock dug into my back.

"Who is that?" I heard the other man we were with ask. "Why is she here?"

Ace chuckled before snapping his fingers, and not even a second later I was roughly yanked up. I cried out in pain, my shoulder popping and whatever had my hands bound behind my back digging into my skin. I stumbled as whoever had a hold of my arm dragged me forward, but the minute I gained my footing I was shoved to the ground again.

My knees hit the ground hard, the gravel on the ground making it hurt ten times worse. I winced, gritting my teeth in order not to cry out again.

"Before I show you who this is, I want a deal. The girl for the money." Ace put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a really, really hard squeeze.

It would definitely bruise later.

"I just came here to give you the money. I don't want an irrelevant person leaving with me," the other man said sounding highly uninterested.

"So you wouldn't mind if I, perhaps, did this?"

It was silent for a moment before I felt something press against my temple. I didn't know what it was till I heard a click, and then I knew. He had a gun to my head, and my life depended on whether this heartless man took the deal or not.

"Fuck," I heard him groan. "Fine. We have a deal. Who the fuck is she?"

I was immediately blinded as Ace yanked the cover off my face. I blinked as fast as I could, slowly adjusting my eyes to the light. After my eyes adjusted and I could finally see, I let out a huge laugh of disbelief. Standing in front of me, with about ten very huge, scary looking men behind him was Sebastian Fox, my partner in science class.

Sebastian groaned loudly. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

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