How you two meet

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Ok don't get all pissy, I'll start this soon. I just wanted to introduce myself if you guys don't know who I am. Well, if you don't I'm Georgina and basically just finished Supernatural and I've been apart of the fandom for a while now but never got around to write anything revolving around Supernatural so this is my first time so please be aware that I'm not gonna be the best at this I bet. Anyways, lets get this going. Oh, and also if you'd ever like to request a certain character or scenario I'd be happy to do it and try my best.

You were on a hunt, your first one. You did loads of research on the demon that your mother was out hunting for the past two weeks but she was supposed to be home a few days ago. You tried to contact her in everyway you could, but couldn't get a hold of her whatsoever.

You decided to go after her, since you did all the research on this one, it'd be easy to track. You arrived at a motel and checked, you were in some place in Montana and decided to head to the bar across the street for a couple drinks before crashing in front of the television like you always do.

You've already had a few drinks and were ready to head back, but that changes when a fairly good looking guy sits next to you, finishing off his drink. He sets it down, almost smashing the glass cup. He looks over to a taller man, hes pretty good looking as well but you know you're more interested in the guy beside you.
"What's going on, gorgeous?" He slurs, you roll your eyes and smile a little.
"Leaving." You snap, grab your jacket and turn to the door and start walking but something stops you and you turn back to him.
"Look, I'm sorry, how about a drink?"
"Sounds good," he says and smirks at you. Until you know it, you and this guy are all over each other, telling him about your life story. Well, apart from the whole hunting thing and all that.

He tells you his name is Dean and why he's in town, he says hes an FBI agent working a case. 'Wow, haven't heard that one before' you think to yourself. The taller man walks up to you two and he hangs up his phone and gives a nod to Dean.
"We uh.. Gotta go Dean" he speaks.
"Come on Sammy, show a little respect." Dean says and pats the mans shoulder. The taller guy gives Dean a stern look.

"Alright. I had a great time, Y/N.." He says and smirks. You watch the two boys walk out and see Dean smack the taller one over the head with back of his hand, the other laughs. You look down and see he's left a small piece of paper with his name and a number on it, you smile.

You're at the library, trying to take a break from all of the hunting and to finally enjoy your free time with a good book, but something catches your attention. A tall handsome guy is staring at you, it's making you uncomfortable so you shift in your chair and see that he looks away akwardly and obviously regretting staring too long, going back to searching for a book in an aisle fairly close to you.

It's been about half and hour and he sat down with multiple books at a table near you. You've finished your book since you're a fast reader from all the research you do and go and walk pass the attractive guy thats been eyeballing you the whole time to get another book but stop as you see the book he's put aside.

You make your way over to him and look at the book that could help you on your on going hunt, you stand beside him looking down at the book.
"Hi, so sorry for bothering you but uh-" you get cut off by his stare, looking up to you with those big, dark and amazing eyes. Snap out of it, Y/N!
"I was just wondering if I could borrow that book, I'll give it right back to you after" you say and smile as he hands you the book.

"I'm Sam," he introduces himself.
"Nice to meet you, Sam. I'm Y/N" you reply. He then offers for you to sit with him and you gladly do, even though it is a library you both talk to each other, small talk really. But, you see a connection, and you're hoping he does too.

You look at the time, the library will be closing soon and you realize Sam has been declining multiple calls from someone named Dean and even picked up and told him to stop calling.
"Well, it's getting pretty late and the library's closing in like five minutes" You say, Sam looks at you, a bit dissapointed.
"Oh alright, how about I give you my number?" He suggests and you nod while smiling like an idiot but Sam doesn't seem to mind.

His phone goes off again and he asnwers it while punching his number into your phone.
"Alright Dean!" Sam shouts into the phone and multiple people shush at him, he hangs up and hands you your phone back.
"Well uh, somethings come up and my brother needs me but I'll see you around," he says and smiles at you.

You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers for a while now and you became very close with them, they basically saw you as their little sister.

This was a hunt that they made sure you weren't going on, dealing with fifty demons or so wasn't exactly a good thing to do while you had a broken ankle due to your last hunt when a black eyed bitch threw you to the wall.

While you were back at the motel, the boys were out hunting and left you with a shot gun and some basic demon fighting weapons.

You were sitting on the couch, shot gun on the tabel beside your ankle that you had to keep elevated in order for it to ease the pain. You twirled a knife in your hand as you watch the television, you hear a slight sound of foot steps but choose to ignore it.

"Where is Sam and Dean Winchester?"
You spring to your feet, grabbing the shotgun and pointing it at where the voice came from, you scrunched your face as the pain from your ankle came back and shifted your weight to your other leg.
"Gotcha ya blacked eyed son of a bitch!" You yell as you look to the Devil's Trap you had set up just incase.

The man looks confused and tilts his head a bit.
"I am an angel of the lord, not a bla-"
"Yeah alright ok," you cut him off in a nasty tone. You still have your gun raised at the man, he steps out of your Devil's Trap.
"Please put the gun down, miss."
You lower the gun to your side and glare at the so called angel.
"Thank you, what is your name?"
"Y/N," you answer.
"Y/N, I am sorry I arrived at the wrong time and frightened you. Forgive me pl-" the door swings open, Sam and Dean burst in with their guns raised at the man then realize who it is and lowers their guns.

"Dammit Cas!" Shouts Dean as he walks over.
"Wait, who is this guy?" You ask the boys.
The man raises his chin in the air and looks at you.

"I am sorry, I did not introduce myself, Y/N. I am Castiel," he calmy says.
"Well Castiel, may I call you Cas?" You smile and bite your lip. Dean starts chuckling and you pick up a couch pillow and throw it at him, it hits his face and looks at you, annoyed.

Castiel just stands there, confused but he looked adorable.

// Sorry that was so long! I hope you're enjoying and remember that I'm always taking requests! :-)

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