How demon him treats you

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You walked into Bobby's place and tosted the keys onto the table, then slaming the door by accident. You set down the bag with a few burgers in there for Sam and sip on the drink you got for yourself.
"I'm back!" you yell and walk into the whats supossed to be living space and see Sam, tied up in a chair with wide fearful eyes.

He has an apple in his mouth like how a dead pig on a platter would and is unable to speak and before you can make your way to him he begins screaming something but you just can't understand him.
"What?" You say, he manages to spit the apple out.
"Behind you!" He yells. You spin around, Dean is standing there leaning on the wall with his arms crossed and he's smirking.

"Come on Sammy, you ruined my suprise." Dean looked at you, still smirking as his eyes flicker black.
"Dean, I see you're back.. Not as how I wished." Your voice seems scared and anxious but try not to show it.

He walks closer to you and you step back, obviously showing that you're fucking terrified. You love Dean, but him coming back as a demon? You're not
able to deal with this and start shaking slightly.
"Awe, Y/N. Don't get too scared. I'd never hurt you, yet." He grins.
"Don't touch her," Sam hesitantly speaks. Dean walks over to Sam, passing you and hitting Sam across the face. Sam groans as you look over.

"It doesn't have to be this way, please Dean. Just listen to me for once," you start tearing up, your emotions begin pouring out.

"Y/N, you just don't get it do you. You see babe, this is much better than being a weak, good for nothing human being." He explains, but you stare at the ground, not listening to a single word he says as you cry silently.

Dean walks over and lifts your chin up, looking into your eyes.
"You know, I don't even understand why I was still with you," he chuckles.
"You're lying.. I know you love me."
"Love? More like loved, sweetheart."

You wake up, something covering your eyes as you hear Dean yelling.
"Dean? What's going on?!" You question.
"It's Sam, hes back but not in a good way. God dammit!" You hear someone enter the room and start to shush Dean, calmy.

"Shhhh, you just had to open your big fat mouth Dean. Maybe I should cut out your tongue?" No, that voice. It can't be. It's..Sam?

Footsteps come closer to you and a blind fold comes off your face and you look behind you, it really is Sam. You're tied up to the chair and already have burn marks from the rope from moving around and trying to get out. Sam walks in front of you and squats down in front of you, pushing your hair behind your ear, he grins as you shake in fear.

"Awe baby it's all ok, I'm back now. Aren't you just estatic?!" He shouts, sounding joyful. You look over to Dean who's staring at Sam, his jaw tightens multiple times. You shake your head.

"Sammy, please. We can figure something out," you try explaining but he interupts.
"Y/N! No, I'm finally happy with what I've got, dear."
"You weren't happy before?"
"Well, I wasn't satisfied one damn bit."

Tears begin to form in your eyes and you look down. Sam grabs your face and starts full on making out with you, you try to stop him and pull away but you're tied up, he tries reaching into your pants and underneath your shirt.
"Stop! Sam!" You yell in between the moments his tongue isn't being shoved down your throat.

"Sammy! Stop right now you son of a bitch!" Dean yells and actually gets Sam to stop. He pulls away, wiping the slober off around his lips and makes his way over to Dean, punching him as hard as he could, Sam chuckled.

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