How he asks you on a first date

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Don't worry this one won't be as long, I hope.

You're driving in your 1969 Boss 429 Mustang, heading back to the motel since you just got done with a hunt but you hear your phone ringing so you turn off the radio, it's Dean Winchester.

"Dean Winchester, what a pleasant surprise" You say into the phone, sarcasitally

"Y/N, I need you to say yes to this m-my gorgeous.." He slurs.
"And what am I saying yes to this time?" You ask and smirk.
"I-I need you to go out with me.. Like right about now god dammit, Y/N... I'm all over you babe, I need you right now." He spits into the phone before taking another gulp of his drink.

"Winchester, You're clearly drunk." You exclaim, smiling to yourself.
"N-No I'm fine. But please, hear me out Y/N." He pleads.

You stare at the road for a few seconds and you hear Dean groan.
"Dammit you hung up!" He yelled and you heard him slam his fist on the tabel of the bar.
"Ok, one date." You smile for a second then go back to focusing on the road.
"You won't regret this, Y/N."

You grab your shot gun and duffle bag filled with salt and 2 litres of gasoline to burn the bones of the ghost that had been tallying up the death counts on your last hunt so you find out where the body was burried.
You lower your gun to your side and begin walking through the cemetary but hear someone running towards you, you hide behind a tombstone quietly as you hear someone mumble then shout
"Forgot the damn gas!" It's a man but you don't get even the slightest look at him.

You wait a few seconds to make certain you're safe, you rise up from your knees and throw your duffel bag over your shoulder and look in front of you, you feel a sharp pain in your forehead and you black out, falling to the ground.

You look up, you see Sam, and another guy looking up to you. You reach for your head where you were hit but feel a pull on your wrist, you look down and see you're hancuffed to the car door handle.
"Seriously?" You say with a raspy voice, you look at the car you're hancuffed to.
"Who's piece of shit Impala is this?" You joke and chuckle.
"Hey!" the shorter man gets cut off by Sam.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" Sam asks then looking to the duffle bag and shot gun, he looks surprised and then looks like a little kid who just watched their puppy get hit by a car.
"You're a hunter.." he says dissapointed. The shorter guy looks at Sam and crosses his arms, pressing his lips together.

"And I'm asuming this is the famous older brother of yours, Dean Winchester," you smirk.
"Are you or are you not a hunter!?" Dean yells in your face, hunching down and placing his hands on his knees to look at you in the eye, you laugh.
"Yes, I'm a hunter. Now uncuff me!" You yell, Sam quickly makes his way to you and uncuffs you. He offers you his hand but you decline to take his help and stand up, putting your hand on your forehead, the place Dean hit you.

"Look I'm sorry about everything and uh my idiot brother knocking you out," Sam chuckles and grins at you. Dean rolled his eyes and walked away to gather up the supplies he had left by the dug up grave, leaving you two near the Impala, Sam gave his little innocent smile at you.

Sam sat on the hood of the car, and you did as well.
"Can I ask you something, Y/N?" Sam looks into your eyes, his eyes glistened in the moon light as you nodded.

The silence was comfortable with Sam and felt normal, unlike everything else.
"Would you be ok with helping me out with some research?" He asks, hesitantly, you starighten your back and raise an eyebrow.
"Are you asking me out?" You almost shout.
"Ha yeah, I guess I am."

You're driving with the boys, you're in the back seat and don't bother putting on your seat belt. You hear Cas flash in and you scream, still not used to it.

The car pulls to a hard stop and you hit your head on the back of the drivers seat, Sam and Dean turn around and look at you starteled. Dean looks to Cas, sitting beside you and looking directly at you.
"I did not mean to frighten you. I am terribly sorry but, I wish to speak with you." The angel looked to the two brothers.
"Alone," Castiel said and Dean reached across to pat Cas on the back and before you knew it, you were sitting in the back with Cas and the boys at the front of the car.

"I've been talking to Dean a lot lately, I have been feeling slightly different towards you for a while now Y/N."
"Dean says it's something called love, I still do not understand this but when we are together Y/N, I get a lump in my throat and I can not seem to focus on anything else besides you." Cas begins blushing deep red. You grin and tilt your head upward slightly, raising one brow.

"Sam suggested I ask you on what is called a date, but I am not sure you will agree to it," he continues. You stare at his blank expression and you're surprised as Cas gently grabs your face and presses his lips up tp yours, pulling you into a passionate kiss.

Your eyes become heavy and you close them for a few seconds until you both break the kiss.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I do not know what over powered me to do such a thing," explained Cas. You could see Dean looking through the winshield, giving a thumbs up and grinning while Sam tries holding in his laughter. You turn your attention back to the angel and smile.
"Love is what over powered you Cas," you said staring into his beautiful bright eyes.
"So, Y/N. That date?"

// I hope you guys enjoyed this one! A bit longer than I had hoped but I'm happy with it :-)

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