He finds out you're a hunter

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You and Dean have been seeing each other for quite a while now since Dean's case has been taking more time than expected, but nothing was official. This morning was the aftermath of the rough, drunken, incredible night you two had together.

You both had been awake for a while already but just rested for a bit, eyes still closed. Dean starts to shift, making his was upward so he was resting his head on the wall, you hear a yawn and open your eyes to see Dean grab his boxers and put them on under the covers.

"Morning," he looks at you. You realize you're still naked and grab the closest shirt you can find, Dean's shirt. You put it on and pull your hair out from the collar. You crashed at the motel across the bar, and didnt bother to bring in any of your clothes from the trunk of your car.

"Dean, do you mind running out to my car and grab my suit case?" You ask.
"Not at all," he insists. You smile and toss him the keys as he adjusts his pants and catches the keys without even looking. You stretch out your arms and yawn, remembering the trunk of your car.

Fuck, you run out the door with Dean's shirt still on.
"Wait! W-" you see Dean standing there with the trunk open, staring at you in a blank expression.
"Listen, ok. I can explain," you say with your hands in front of you with an anxious expression.
"You're a hunter?!" Dean yells but tones down his voice near the end. You smile awkwardly with guilt basically written all over your face.

"Looks like we have a lot in common, Y/N." He smirks and closes the trunk, locking it, and then kissing you as you both make your way back into the room.

(He finds out you're a hunter on the first date one but I'll still add it in here)
You grab your shot gun and duffle bag filled with salt and 2 litres of gasoline to burn the bones of the ghost that had been tallying up the death counts on your last hunt so you find out where the body was burried.
You lower your gun to your side and begin walking through the cemetary but hear someone running towards you, you hide behind a tombstone quietly as you hear someone mumble then shout
"Forgot the damn gas!" It's a man but you don't get even the slightest look at him.

You wait a few seconds to make certain you're safe, you rise up from your knees and throw your duffel bag over your shoulder and look in front of you, you feel a sharp pain in your forehead and you black out, falling to the ground.

You look up, you see Sam, and another guy looking up to you. You reach for your head where you were hit but feel a pull on your wrist, you look down and see you're hancuffed to the car door handle.
"Seriously?" You say with a raspy voice, you look at the car you're hancuffed to.
"Who's piece of shit Impala is this?" You joke and chuckle.
"Hey!" the shorter man gets cut off by Sam.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" Sam asks then looking to the duffle bag and shot gun, he looks surprised and then looks like a little kid who just watched their puppy get hit by a car.
"You're a hunter.." he says dissapointed. The shorter guy looks at Sam and crosses his arms, pressing his lips together.

"And I'm asuming this is the famous older brother of yours, Dean Winchester," you smirk.
"Are you or are you not a hunter!?" Dean yells in your face, hunching down and placing his hands on his knees to look at you in the eye, you laugh.
"Yes, I'm a hunter. Now uncuff me!" You yell, Sam quickly makes his way to you and uncuffs you. He offers you his hand but you decline to take his help and stand up, putting your hand on your forehead, the place Dean hit you.

"Look I'm sorry about everything and uh my idiot brother knocking you out," Sam chuckles and grins at you. Dean rolled his eyes and walked away to gather up the supplies he had left by the dug up grave, leaving you two near the Impala, Sam gave his little innocent smile at you.

Sam sat on the hood of the car, and you did as well.
"Can I ask you something, Y/N?" Sam looks into your eyes, his eyes glistened in the moon light as you nodded.

The silence was comfortable with Sam and felt normal, unlike everything else.
"Would you be ok with helping me out with some research?" He asks, hesitantly, you starighten your back and raise an eyebrow.
"Are you asking me out?" You almost shout.
"Ha yeah, I guess I am."

(Same kinda thing with Sam, but Cas finds out when you first meet so I'll just add it in anyways)
You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers for a while now and you became very close with them, they basically saw you as their little sister. This was a hunt that they made sure you weren't going on, dealing with fifty demons or so wasn't exactly a good thing to do while you had a broken ankle due to your last hunt when a black eyed bitch threw you to the wall.

While you were back at the motel, the boys were out hunting and left you with a shot gun and some basic demon fighting weapons. You were sitting on the couch, shot gun on the tabel beside your ankle that you had to keep elevated in order for it to ease the pain.

You twirled a knife in your hand as you watch the television, you hear a slight sound of foot steps but choose to ignore it.
"Where is Sam and Dean Winchester?"

You spring to your feet, grabbing the shotgun and pointing it at where the voice came from, you scrunched your face as the pain from your ankle came back and shifted your weight to your other leg.

"Gotcha ya blacked eyed son of a bitch!" You yell as you look to the Devil's Trap you had set up just incase. The man looks confused and tilts his head a bit.
"I am an angel of the lord, not a bla-"
"Yeah alright ok," you cut him off in a nasty tone. You still have your gun raised at the man, he steps out of your Devil's Trap.

"Please put the gun down, miss."
You lower the gun to your side and glare at the so called angel.
"Thank you, what is your name?"
"Y/N," you answer.
"Y/N, I am sorry I arrived at the wrong time and frightened you. Forgive me pl-" the door swings open, Sam and Dean burst in with their guns raised at the man then realize who it is and lowers their guns.

"Dammit Cas!" Shouts Dean as he walks over.
"Wait, who is this guy?" You ask the boys.
The man raises his chin in the air and looks at you.
"I am sorry, I did not introduce myself, Y/N. I am Castiel," he calmy says.
"Well Castiel, may I call you Cas?" You smile and bite your lip. Dean starts chuckling and you pick up a couch pillow and throw it at him, it hits his face and looks at you, annoyed.

Castiel just stands there, confused but he looked adorable.

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