How you two kiss

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Dean is always a sucker for those sneak-up-behind ones, he'll come up behind you and start kissing your neck while wrapping his strong arms around you and start kissing up futher and futher until he reaches your lips lastly which means lots of ear nibbling, hickeys and him whispering in your ear everything perfect about you which is everything in his book. Lastly when he comes to your lips, he'll kiss you in a heated and very passionate way while holding your face gently.

Since Sam is so tall, he usually towers over you and bends down ever so slightly to press a warm and gentle kiss on your forehead, while embracing you into his hug. After all, when his arms are around you, that's where you feel safest. Other times, he'll let you stand on his feet as you wrap your arms around his torso and he does the same while you both kiss each other very passionnant.

Castiel is more of a simple kiss on the cheek guy and peck on the lips but still, its heavenly.

// Sorry I couldn't write much for Cas!! :'(
Also I apoligize for updating again.

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