Your near death experience

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Like always, Dean wasn't all that keen on visiting hospitals but this time was serious to him. You had gotten in a fight with a witch and she tried to drain all your blood from your body and to use you as a sacrifice.

Dean ran in with Sam, Sam took care of the witch and stopped her from finishing the chant. As Dean picked you up in his arms he looked to Sam, unsure of what to do next.
"D-Dean.." You mumble before blacking out.
"Shh don't talk. Just stay with me ok, Y/N?" He whispered as he ran out to the Impala with you in his arms and lay you in the back seat, Sam leaves the witch, more worried about getting you to the hospital.

Dean drives way past the speed limit like he always does but this time much faster than usual. He holds your hand, its warm in yours and thats all you can seem to remember before your eyes shut.

You open your eyes slightly, then shoot up. You're in the hospital, you see Dean beside you passed out, sleeping with his head and arms on the hospital bed. Sam is beside him, hunching over himself while he looks at you and smiles. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it as Dean groans and wakes up, he opens his eyes and shoots up, pulling you into a kiss.
"Baby, how are you feeling? Are you alright?" Dean asks after pulling away from the kiss.
"I-I'm fine.." You assure him with a very tired tone.

He smiles at you and embraces you into a hug. Your eyes start to feel heavy and you drift back into a deep sleep, while still in Dean's arms.

Sam sighs and look to you, you were sitting in the back of the Impala. You held your hand up to your shoulder where Dean dropped his gun and it went off during the hunt. You were loosing blood and were trying your hardest to keep concious.
"Sam.. I don't f-" you instantly pass out and Sam grabs your hand, shaking you and yelling your name. You wake up a dark, small room.

You look around but can't see a single thing but feel a blanket or something on the ground that you woke up on. You bang on the door with your fist.
"Sam! Dean!" You scream.
"Y/N..?" you hear Sam on the other side of the door.
"Sam it's me! What's going on?!" you question him. He opens the door and you fall out, putting your hands out in front of you.

You look up to Sam, ashtonished to see you. You sit on the couch, he stands with his arms crossed. Dean walks in with a brown paped bag and places it down.

"Sammy I uh got you two cheesebur-" Dean looks to you, he reaches for his gun and aims it at you.
"Dean! Don't shoot it's me!" You yell.
"Well how are you here?! We swear you were dead!" He screams back, loading his weapon. You duck and hide behind the couch from him

"Dean! I've already been over this with her!" Sam yells, holding up one hand to Dean for caution. Dean lowers his weapon and you rise up from the ground.
"Well, how the fuck did this happen?" Dean asks as he takes his burger and takes a bite, waiting for an answer.

// Sorry, I won't be doing Cas for this one.

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