Chapter 6

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Kellin's POV:

It's been about two and a half weeks since I started college. To be honest, it actually isn't as bad as I expected it to be. For one, I actually had some friends. It was pretty much only Vic, but we had hung out with Jaime and Tony a lot. We even hang out with Jack and Alex one day. I actually found out that they are gay too. Who would've figured, right?

We hadn't left campus though. We just sat around in one of our rooms most of the time, which usually ended up being Tony and Jaime's room because they are roommates too and their room was a little bigger than ours. It was kind of awkward though because a few times, I caught Jaime staring at me. Its probably nothing but I just got a weird feeling.

When we weren't with Jaime and Tony or in class, Vic and I spent almost every second together. I could literally feel us getting close. I had learned a lot about him and he just made me weak so I ended up telling him a lot about myself too. He even got me to go into detail about high school and how I delt with my parents' death. Surprisingly, he was being really supportive and now, I feel like I can talk to him about just about everything. Except for my major crush on him, of course.

Throughout these past two weeks, I could practically feel myself falling head over heels for him. I just wish that I could tell him though because its getting really hard. Besides Vic, Jaime and Tony are the only ones that know I'm gay. If I told Vic that I liked him, whether he liked me or not, the news would get out. The whole school would end up knowing. Who knows what will happen if they all know? And that also includes Andy.

Andy hasn't exactly been going easy on me. I get some kind of shit from him every day. Usually it was just verbal abuse like him calling me a 'faggot' or some dumb bullshit like that but a few times, things got physical. It was pretty bad, but I got worse in high school, so I was able to deal with it. The worst time was when he found me walking back to my dorm from class and he beat me pretty bad. Like usual, Alan and Gabe were just standing there watching. I could have sworn that I saw some kind of sympathy in Gabe's eyes, but I was pretty fucked up. I was probably just seeing things. After Andy finally stopped beating me that day, I sat on the side of a building for a few minutes to make sure that he wasn't going to come back for a round two. Then, I hobbled back to my room where Vic was being his normal, comforting self. He was trying to go after Andy again but with my protesting, he settled to just getting me an ice pack.


Now, I'm standing outside of the door to my room. I was going to go in, but I heard something coming from inside. It was Vic strumming away at his guitar. There was nothing unusual about him playing guitar. I've heard him play a few times before but this time was different. This time, he was singing along. It was a song that I didn't know, but his voice was amazing. I hadn't expected such a great voice to come from him.

I couldn't hear that well so I pressed my ear against the door harder.

Oh my god, his voice was so amazing. It blended together with the guitar so well. I wanted to go in and watch him as he sings, but if I do that then there's no promise that he will actually continue singing so I settled for just listening through the door.

I wasn't listening for long though because soon, I felt hands come down on my shoulders. I quickly whipped around to see who it was and I was relieved to see that it was Jaime with Tony standing behind him.

"What's going on?" Jaime whispered because he could probably tell that I was trying to be quiet.

"Shhh!" I said. "Vic is singing and I'm trying to get a good listen."

"No way!" Tony said as he pushed passed both of us and pressed his ear to the door. I watched as his facial expression changed from one of calmness to one that was completely impressed.

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