Chapter 11

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Authors note: HEY GUYS!!! Hi. I'm still here. Still writing. Slowly, but I'm writing. :)


Once Vic's car was in park, he got out of the driver seat and walked around the front of the car to the passenger

side and opened my door for me.

"Oh, what a gentleman." I joked as I got out of the car. Vic grabbed my hand and we walked up to the restaurant with our fingers entwined. I had the ultimate butterflies in my stomach.

Inside the restaurant, it was kind of small but it was really cute. There was dim lighting and Mexican music that you could barely hear over the dull roar of people talking. We were still holding hands as the waitress showed us to our table and we earned a few dirty looks from people who were sitting at the other tables. Honestly, we were too far away from campus for anyone else from school to be here so I didn't mind if the homophobic strangers that were here knew that I was gay.

We sat down at the two person table facing each other. Vic looked kind of nervous.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it. This is so sweet." I said. His face softened into a smile. It really was sweet of him to take me all the way out here. I didn't really expect him to be the romantic type but I guess I was wrong.

"How did you even know about this place?" I asked.

"I used to live not so far away from here so my family would come here all the time." He explained. A different waitress with blonde hair walked up to our table.

"Hey Vic." She said with a big smile and an australian accent. Who the fuck was this girl?

"Hey Jen." Vic replied, mocking the tone of her voice in a joking way. Now I was really curious. She seemed friendly though.

"Who's this?" She asked as she turned to me. A smile spread across Vic's face.

"This is Kellin. My boyfriend." Vic said without breaking eye contact with me. I couldn't help but to smile.

"Hi Kellin, I'm Jenna." The girl, Jenna said as she reached out her hand for me to shake.

"Hey." I replied as I shook her hand.

"Alright, so what can I get you boys tonight?" She asked.

"Get us two number fours." Vic said to her before I got a chance. That was a good thing though, because I hadn't even looked at the menu.

"Sure thing." Jenna replied as she took both of our menus and started to walk away.

"You got yourself a good one." She whispered into my ear before walking off. I grinned at the comment.

"Who was that?" I couldn't help but asking once she was gone. It might've not been the best idea to ask, but I was fucking curious.

"Jenna's just an old friend of mine from high school." Vic responded nonchalantly. I just nodded.

"What's a number four?" I asked.

"It's tacos, duh." Vic said with a smirk, earning a laugh from me. We just sat around talking. When our tacos finally came, we continued talking to each other despite the fact that our mouths were full.

After we had finished eating and payed the bill we walked back to Vic's car. Vic had payed for the whole thing because I didn't bring my wallet considering this whole thing was pretty impromptu on my part. I had offered to pay him back but he insisted on paying like the good little boyfriend he was.

When we were both sitting in the car, he leaned over to place a kiss on my lips. I deepened it a little bit as a few seconds went by. After a few more seconds, Vic pulled away smiling at me.

"I've wanted to do that the whole time we were in that restaurant." He said before leaning in again and placing another small, quick kiss on my lips. He then put his keys into the ignition of the car and the car ride back to college began.

The car ride was kind of quiet other than the sound of the radio playing. Sometimes, I could hear Vic quietly singing along to the song. That reminded me that I had been trying to get him to sing for me. I had completely forgotten about that. Now that we were dating, it shouldn't be that hard to get him to sing for me, right? I could barely hear him but it sounded pretty good. I hadn't even noticed, but I was looking at him smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" Vic asked as he noticed me.

"You're singing." I replied. I could see his cheeks slightly turning a light shade of red.

"Oh." He said looking back at the road.

"It sounds really good, Vic. When are you going to sing for me for real?" I asked.

"I'm not a good singer, Kells." He said, ignoring my previous question.

"I beg to differ." I objected. He just shook his head but I could see a smile smile pulling at the edges of his lips.

"I'm gonna get it out of you eventually." I said teasingly because now I was determined.

When we finally got back to school, we decided to take a walk around campus. It was dark by now so there weren't a lot of people around. We were holding hands and we would kiss whenever there was nobody else walking past. I was really happy with how this night had been going. Knowing myself, I was surprised that I hadn't done something to fuck it up.

Soon, we went back to our dorm because it was getting cold.

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Vic asked as he pointed to the small tv that he had. I'd only seen him using that tv about twice before.

"Sure." I responded. I leant against my desk and watched him as he walked over to the tv and put in a DVD. He then plopped down on his bed which was facing the tv and patted the mattress next to him as an indication for me to sit down. So, I did and he wrapped his arm around me.

"What movie is this?" I asked.

"Nightmare before christmas." He replied. Luckily, that was one of my favorite movies so I smiled and connected our lips before the movie began.

Somewhere during the movie, I felt myself slowly dozing off to sleep. I tried to stay awake because I didn't know if Vic would think that it's weird of me to fall asleep in his bed. I wasn't able to though as I drifted off to sleep, finally content with how everything was working out.

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