Ch.1 Ark university

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Clarke was studying at the Ark or Arkadia university, where she was the head of a sorority. She had good grades and one of the best houses; they were in the heart of campus. Unfortunately, so we're the boys. There were two houses just across the street from each other. The boys were run by Bellamy Blake. It would have been great, the hot guy right across the street and killer parties every weekend except for one thing.

Clarke and Bellamy hated each other. They would always argue and fight and get up in each other's faces. They competed at everything. How to fundraise, school spirit or just pranks. They would regularly prank each other. Clarke got a bucket full of slime poured onto her head just last week as she walked out of the house. Now it was Bellamy's turn, and she was going to get him good! All the girls in on it. The main plan was set up by herself and her two best friends. Raven and Octavia. Octavia was actually Bellamy's younger sister and was a first-year this year. Bellamy resented that she chose to go with Clarke's sorority, but it was by far the best one, if he was honest. He was pretty sure at first Clarke had just chosen to accept her to piss him off. Still, now they were best friends that he couldn't possibly understand why his sister would enjoy being around the princess.

She hated that nickname, which gave him all the more reason to use it. His boys knew he was the only one allowed to call her that, though. He got in a pretty big fight with Finn when he started to call her that, and she smiled at him. He almost broke his nose but decided to just stick with a rib. They were in high school together when it started. Junior year she was in a school play, and she was the princess. He was cast to be the knight who had to save her but knowing Clarke, of course, she refused, and on stage, she changed the script and gave a whole lecture to Bellamy about being able to save herself.


"Listen, princess! I don't really care that you can save yourself. I'm gonna do it anyway because if you decide to leap out of that castle and go running over yonder!" He pointed to nowhere in particular. "You're gonna cause me some problems. Haven't you read a book? The night didn't get to marry the princess. He just had to save her and bring her back to her dad, so he could get paid. Then she was shipped off to marry some king so the kingdoms could trade! You don't mean anything to me except for the fact that I get a payday when I drag you back home!"

"Well, I'm not going no back, and I'm pretty sure you need me alive to get your paycheck!" They were now entirely lost in their fake world, in front of a massive audience, of course. With that, she grabbed his wooden sword and held it to her neck. "I would rather die than go with you!"

"For Christ's sake!" He roughly ran his hand over his face and through his hair. "Fine, have it your way, princess. I'll just tell you, father, that you decided to kill yourself instead. Like the brave little princess, you are!" He turned and walked a few steps.

She threw the sward to the ground. "I am brave!"

Bellamy turned back around and walked straight up to her. "You're a coward! You would leave your kingdom like that! Leaving them for dead because you are too selfish?"

"I hate you!" She screamed.

He grinned. "Good thing I don't care!" With that, he swung her over his shoulder and walked off stage.

The crowd erupted with applause. Clarke and Bellamy got so wrapped up in the argument they forgot all the students, parents, and teachers were watching. The critiques, here to write a review, indeed got more than they bargained for. If they liked it, the play would be put on again in the city for a much larger audience. However, there were already quickly over 1000 people watching.

They actually did end up having to reenact the whole thing again because the critics loved it.


They came up with their grand scheme. They were gonna get Bellamy a date. This new girl was elected to do it; they would meet in the centre of campus, where there was a big maple tree. They would meet under it, then Raven would let the big bucket of honey fall on him, and Octavia would jump out with a confetti cannon and boom! He would be a sticky rainbow mess in front of everyone. Clarke would then jump down from the tree, and he would know whose doing this was. It was perfect. Clarke had all the girls on their phones texting everyone they had went to the school they plan and at the tree at 1:00 pm Saturday afternoon.

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