02 - I'm gonna die!

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Hello there lovelies! c: So as promised, I updated a day after I got back ;)

Bear with me, I'm still stressed out over something ajfklajsdfjal but I did my best to finish this and make it come out as decent as possible.

Enjoy reading!

WARNING: grammar and typo errors ahead c:



"I'm going Mom!" I called to my mother, Celine, as I peeped out the sliding door leading to the backyard.

She dropped her hands to her sides as she looked over her shoulder and waved at me, "Alright. Take care baby," she said with a smile.

"I will. Bye Mom! Love you," I blew her a kiss then scurried out the house.

I stopped on my track the moment I stepped out the door when my eyes caught three figures riding big bikes right in front of Mrs. Evanovich's lot. They wore helmets over their heads matched with leather jackets and dark jeans.

Suddenly, my mind thought of ways to avoid them because using my usual route which required walking by Mrs. Eve’s place. My first instinct was to go the other way the easier way was 100% dangerous.

Their engines were off and it seemed that they were waiting for someone. I didn't know if they were insiders but it was unlikely since they were out here in the open in broad daylight.

I averted my gaze from them fearing that anytime, they could turn and see me looking. I should think of other ways than stalling and staring at them. My eyes wandered towards the alternate path towards school. If I take it, I wouldn't make it to first period unless I run for it. It would be a hassle and I would arrive to school like I was chased by raging bulls. But whatever, it was better than getting mobbed this early in the morning.

When I finally decided on what to do, I took the steps down our porch and went the other way ignoring the fact that they would, sooner or later, notice me. I probably would be in a good distance by then and I would run off.

Horns blared behind me, maybe a couple of meters away. I didn't dare look back fearing they would come after me if I did. Maybe if they thought I didn’t care, they wouldn’t bother me. I half jogged, half ran, making it look as natural as possible though I knew it didn't look a tad bit like that.

Panic. I mentally fanned myself since my hands were busy clutching my file case over my chest. My head was throbbing in tune with my heart which was beating insanely fast like the bass thump on a club. Dear God, don't make me die this way.

The engines roared louder and the distance between us seemed to be thinning. My grip on my case tightened as I walked faster and faster until the sound suddenly faded.

I walked a couple meters more to make sure they were gone before I let my shoulders sag and my eyes shut. I'm going to be fine, I chanted repeatedly, breathing in and out.

I didn't know what's with the sudden cut-the-chase thing. Maybe they realized I wasn't worth it. I was just a student anyway; they won't get anything from me. Whatever it was they wanted from Mrs. Eve, it must be precious. It was twenty before eight and they were obviously spying the area already. No one would mistake them for someone who wanted to be reunited with an old friend.

I fell on my butt when I opened my eyes and saw one of the guys in front of me. Struggling, I stood up and took steps back just to bump into something cold and hard. I ran my hand over it and found the handle telling me it was another motorbike—one of the three.

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