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NASH step out from the jeep and walk to your door, open your door and extending his hand for you to reach but you don't grab it.

"Come on, cutie... We've arrived though."

Seriously... In the darkness, at the cliff, with the old jeep... It was not a good sign.

"y/n... You know I'll never harm you anyway. Did I ever do something bad to you? Never, right?"

Nash asked, waiting for you to answer and reach for his hand. He raised his eyebrows, still patiently waiting for you.

After a few meaningless minutes, finally Nash lost his patience and carry you bride-style.

"Hey Nash! No! Let me go!"

You yelled at him, but your hand still gripped tightly onto his neck, worried if he throw your body from the high cliff, of course you'll die, no doubt.

"Stop! Nash! Stop! What are you doing?! Hey! No! Stop!"

You screamed, your legs kicked the air and your hands were punching and slapping his chest.

"y/n... Calm the fuck down. Let go of my neck, cutie, I almost choked."

Nash quickly shove your gripped hand on his neck and throw you away.

Fortunately, you are not landed on a hard surface. Just... A thick comforter which has put in a empty swimming pool.

After all, you're just remains silent, letting Nash crawled in to be next to you. You know you're being such a negative minded towards him.

"Nah... You are safe with me, cutie."

He put your head on his arms and his warn hand wrapped around your waist, your eyes just fixated to the scene above, a million stars.

No. It was not million. It was uncountable. Just like your loves towards him. Cliché isn't? But it's real.

"Look, Nash..."

You exclaimed, pointing your index finger at the stars.

"What a beautiful night scene..."

You continued.

"It's not at all."

Nash said, make you gazing your eyes to him in the weird way.

"If this beautiful scene in front of you and you said it's not, I don't know what will."

You frowned with a sighs, but your eyes still locking to his ocean blue eyes. The mesmerizing eyes which make your stomach erupted by the butterflies.


He called your beautiful name.

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing. Just y/n. y/n just the most breathtaking in my eyes."

He give you a cheeky smile before landed his lips on your forehead. You cheeks being heated and turn pink when he bring his face closer to you.

You quickly turn away and gazing your eyes back to the stars and Nash too.

"You know..." You broke the silence, "I've always wanted to watch the stars at night. Like now."

"I know."

He replied, his eyes fixated on the star scene above.

Surprised, you lift your head up a bit, to look at him, resting your hand on his wide chest.

"How did you know...?"

You asked, confused.

"y/n. Of course I know what my girlfriend would love to do. I've learnt you from the first time I met you and never get boring to learn about you."

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