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Don't hate this part but I hate it😂😅💨

YOU and your long distance boyfriend, Calum Hood walk around the Sydney city with him without his black jeep.

Yeah, you agreed by the short escape. After a long ride around the Sydney, Calum decided to stop driving for a while.

The two of you walked and ran along the side walks as the city lights gazed down upon you. Both of you enjoyed it although it was a simple short date.

You know your squishy Calum was enjoying too much when he let out his crazy-cute-romantic-childish sides of him instead of the annoying squisy Calum.

Calum pulled you close to him and he whispered in your ear, "I love you, y/n my bae. Never forget that."

"Love me more than dogs?" You asked, try to test how much his loves toward you.

"Of course... Not! I loves dogs more..."

"Fine, Caldog. I got it."

You rolled your eyes and a smirk played on his squishy handsome face.

"I love my shipname with the dog! Any words for me, y/n my bae?"

He asked, tugged your hair behind your ears and let his brown coffee eyes going through your naked eyes.

"You already know what I feel for you but I still want to say that I love you too, more than anything, Calum Thomas Hood."

"Cliché, y/n." He smirks again, not feeling satisfied with your words.

"Although I hate hairy animal and since you're a dog, I still love you and accept you with all of my heart. Got it?"

You asked him again with your rolling eyes.

He shrugged. His lips formed a cheeky sweet smile. And then his tall muscle figure body bow a bit, leaned in and gave you a kiss.

"Just got it." He said as his forehead landed onto yours.


"Wake up my bae, y/n... We've arrived my home."

You opened your eyes when you feel a touch at your cheeks. You rubbed your eyes gently and you can see Calum standing at the passenger door, waiting for you to get up.

You stepped out of the black jeep and Calum closed the door for you. You lift your head and look what in front of you.

A bungalow? Although it was in dark dawn, you know it was a bungalow by the serene dim lamp everywhere, shining the house and its lawn.

"This is my house. We've arrived. Sorry for waking you up, sleeping beauty." He said, tugging your hair behind your ears.

"Smile." He said with a smile.

"Bring your cheeks up, y/n." He continues, cupping your cheeks with his palm.

"I-I'm nervous... Will your parents accept my presence here?"

"Hey. Why not! My parents loves you more than me, so they was giving me money for you flight tickets and ask you to come here."

"N-Not your treats?"

He shooks no. "Let's going in and met our parents!" He grabbed your hand and bring you to the main door.

You can't be relax anymore and your hand was shivering in coolness. It was your first time to met Calum's parent and you don't have any expectation about them!

Calum open the door with a key attached with the jeep's keys. He hold the door knob but then he looks at you. The uneasy girl on earth.

"Relax... Chill. Take your deep breath."

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