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***at the cinema counter***

You lining up at the long lines with Calum standing next to you. He interlocked your arm and pull his cap down, fixing his hoodie. You just shakes your head.

He looks like an assassin or Grim Reaper but all he wants is to being a normal Calum, without all the paparazzis.

"What a long queue... This is why I'm lazy to watch movie in the cinema." You sighs and he ignoring you.

"I've told you right that I've marathon all the new movies on cinema with my squads... Why you still want to do so?" You lift your head up, asking him.

"You always watch the movies and me too, but both of us never watch a movies while intertwining our hands. I want to feel that experience."

"Flirty Calum mode on." You teased him and he was chuckled.

"Okay, choose your movies, okay."

Calum gives you chance for you too choose the movies went its your turns to buy the tickets at the counter.

"I'm suggesting you a ghost movie so we can hugs each other until we both turn pale."

Calum whispered to you and you punch his stomach with your elbow before gazing your eyes to the boy at your age who standing across the counter with a sweet smile.

"Yes, pretty. I'm Danny. May I help you? What movies?"

He asked and you told him what movies you choose. You also ask for a couple seats, so both of you can have privacy, and you know Calum need his privacy today.

"May I have your names and your phone number, miss?"

You furrowing your eyebrows, but then you just follow by writing your names and phone number on a piece of paper.

You give it to him and takes the ticket from his hand. But he won't let the tickets so Calum remove your hand and grab the tickets, with his hand, pulling the guy near to his face.

"Did you know who is Calum Hood?"

Calum asked, you just stared at the reddish face of Calum. Did he just being angry?

"C-Calum 5SOS? C-Calum Thomas Hood?"

"Great, go and tell the world that Calum Thomas Hood will kill you if you dare to flirt with my girlfriend again."

He tore the paper you wrote and toss it to Danny's face. You was speechless and feel guilty for Danny. Whats going on?

He let go Danny's hand and took your hand to went away from the cinema counter.

"Hey, where are we going, Calum? Can we just waiting the movie to start in the cinema?"

You asked Calum. But you just following his footsteps until he sat down at a bench in the mall.

"Hey, what's wrong with my squishy?"

You questioned him, open his black hoodie and put down his cap. His face looks red and his vein approach on his neck. So you guess he was hot although in the air-conditioner mall.

Okay, he just hot everywhere.

"Give me your phones." He instructs you.


"Just give me, y/n. Don't have to ask again and again. You said that I'm your boyfriend and you will share everything with me, so your phones is mine too."


"Hesy y/n!"

"Relax, Cal! Chill! Let me get it for you..."

You quickly shoved his hand away from your denim jeans pocket and you took out your phones and he grab it.

"Today, I hold it."

He put you phones in his tight black jeans pocket.

"Why, Cal? Why did you act like this? Act like a demand boyfriend..."

You crossed your arm with a disgusting face. You moves your body apart from his body. Sulk.

"Why being such a rebels? You loves to flirt with the strangers? Are you a slut?"

He asked you and you widen you eyes at him. Did he just say you was flirting? With who? You don't think you was talking with another guy... Except... Danny?

"Hey! Watch your mouth ha... I'm not flirting with anybody!"

You pointed your index finger to him and he put your hand down.

"Don't dare to lift your hands to me, y/n. Giving a guy your name and phone number... What is it called if not flirting? Is it dating? Melting? Alluring?"

"Is it wrong?"

"Is it wrong?"

He mocked you in a high-pitched, girly voice.

"Fuck you, Calum!"

You yelled, look away from Calum.

"Fuck me, y/n!"

Calum yelled back.

Yeah, it was kinda awkward when the crowd start to stare you and Calum as you and Calum just doing a public... Yeah.

You grab his cap and put it on your head and make it tilt, hiding your blushing pink face and you fixing Calum's mess hair before pull up his hoodies, grab his big hand.

"Let's go in the cinema, enjoying the advertisement is better than talk to you!"

You told him, grabbing his hand and make your walk to the cinema again.

"How? I don't think we can go in." Calum speaks.

"They can't obstruct us because we've pay for the tickets. We have our tickets right...? "

You stopped your footsteps and stared at the smirks Calum. To be honest, you got a wrong feeling when seeing that smirks.

"Not have it anymore."

"What, Cal? What do you mean by not have it anymore?"

"I've tossed it at the bin next to our bench a few minutes ago."

You can't control your jaw anymore.

"Let me explain first."

Calum said, bring your jaws to it real position with his hand and walks you to other direction. Away from the cinema.

"I think a movie just waste our times. Your short gateway to here just in two days and you will be back to your county by tomorrow night, right."

You nodded. True. It was a short gateway for you because Calum will be on world tour with the band after you went back to your country.

He was too busy with his schedule after this, so he want to spend time with you in Australia and he treats for your flight tickets and he told you not to bring any luggage or clothes because he want to treat you everything you need with his money.

Yeah... You always said that a long distance relationship was a sucks one, so he want to prove you long distance relationship with him will not be sucks.

"So, I'm deciding to drive and spend time with you on roads and side walk, touring all over Sydney before we come back to my home. I want to spend a quality time with my bae."

"Sounds good."

You replied with a big smile plastered on your face. You was excited to do so.

"Let's feel it first so we can say feels good!"

Calum hugged your shoulder tightly and give you a kissed on your cheeks.

Okay this is part two over six parts 😂 Do vote and comment!

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