Comic book nerds

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The title you people are probably getting mad at me without any reasoning.

The dudes who go up to girl cosplayers and are like "you probably don't even know who superman is you fake fan" blah blah blah. Boi if I am dressed in something or holding something that has the superman symbol on it and you say some stuff like this I will bash your head in with my phone. Because a lot of dudes wear sports shirts when they have no idea who any of the players are or how to even play the game.

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Like that picture as an example. It's just guys do you know how stupid you sound. It literally doesn't matter if I know every single word to every film with superman in it. I might just like the shirt you don't know so shut your mouth before someone else shuts it for you.

Sure, yeah. Ok (rant book)Where stories live. Discover now