Final Warning

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I grimaced as we walked up the steps to the courtroom.

"Teagan! Teagan!" Multiple reporters were shouting my name and I already had a horrible headache from my many drinks I had this morning to forget about my court date.

I walked in and took off my shades and sighed. "It's too early for this Oscar," I huffed. Oscar Douglas, my attorney and good friend sighed. "We have Judge Todd again and he's not in a good mood." I rolled my eyes as I fixed my dress and began to reach in my purse for a cigarette. "Hey! No smoking, you know that." "I'm sorry." I sighed as we walked in the room. It was empty of course, due to the order Judge Todd placed. No media allowed.

    The old, cantankerous white man came mumbling in the court and he glared at me. I smiled graciously as I began to plea. "Ms. Lee you have been walking in and out of my courtroom for the past three months and I'm tired of seeing your face, to be blunt. Despite your many awards and blockbuster movies, that doesn't make you exempt from my law. You've had many warnings young lady and that more! You have two choices: either spend time in jail like you should or go to rehab and right your wrongs." "What hell?" I whispered to Oscar. "Just take rehab and go on about it," Oscar hissed.

    I groaned and put my head down. Oscar stood up and huffed. "She'll take rehab and she's grateful for this piece of mercy." "Good. Court is adjourned." The gavel banged and I sighed. "Oscar he didn't even give us a chance," I complained. "You better be glad you got that done! Besides, I already have the paperwork filled out for rehab." "You what?!"

    Oscar waved me off as we walked out of the courthouse and out onto the street. The media was now gone and I was grateful. "You leave Friday morning." "Friday morning?! That's in a day! Oscar why am I just now hearing about this?!" Oscar sighed as he waited for my car to pull up. "It's the best choice for you. You'll thank me later."

    Friday Morning

My blood boiled as I stared outside the window. We were in northern California in the countryside, far away from the bustle of Hollywood and my native of L.A. I let out a sigh as we pulled up into the rehab. It looked like a resort more than anything. There were palm trees and flowers at the entrance and it looked like a mansion. I stepped out of my SUV and Oscar smiled. "It's a really nice place I promise. Top rehab in the country. They're great and you can still work on your acting and learn different crafts while you're here."

    A tall, brunette doctor was at the door. Her hair was pulled back and she smiled. "Hello I'm Doctor Renee Tate and I'm one of the therapist here." I looked her up and down. Sure as hell didn't look like it. She had on Minolo's and a Versace outfit. "Thank you so much for bringing her here Mr. Davis. We'll take good care of her and make sure she improves." I turned to Oscar and he hugged me. "You're gonna do fine," he whispered. "Wait. Wait!" The door closed, separating me from the outside world....I whimpered.

    "Now Ms. Lee. Why don't we get you ready for your first session. Refreshing Waters is built on rehabilitating but also making sure our patients and guests come out of our compounds with a better outtake on life," Dr. Tate informed me. Patients were walking around and it seemed like a country club than anything. Young women my age were jogging in the indoor gym and some were learning how to paint.

"This is your room." I paused and opened the door. The room was white and blue with other pastel colors. I had a balcony that was behind a set of white French doors and I whistled. "Is my room like this because of my money or is this the standard treatment?" Dr. Tate smiled stiffly. Her pearly white teeth blinding me in the process. "Everyone gets treated like a star here, whether they really are or not." I chuckled. "Nice motto, you must mention that whenever you try to recruit new people to spend all their money here." Tate grimaced. "Their money is put towards their treatment. Not for extra activities." I nodded. "Sure, but it's okay. So when do I start this treatment." I reached in my pocket and began to light a cigarette. Tate snatched it out of my hand before I could let the toxic chemicals slip into my body.

"Tomorrow morning at nine a.m. I think you'll be with Dr. Romanov. You'll enjoy it. Get some rest tonight Ms. Lee. Dr. Romanov is known for pushing his patients." My doctor is a male....he better not try anything with me....

"Goodnight Ms. Lee. Have fun."

I frowned as I set on the king-sized bed and took off my sweatshirt to reveal my bra. "What the hell does that mean?" I looked out over the balcony and sighed. The sun was rising and the sky was a rosy pink color. I noticed splashing down below me and saw a man with dark hair swimming. I smirked as he stepped out of the pool and wrapped a towel around his waist. His curly black hair stuck to his head as he took a long drink from his water. The way his tan body glistened made me weak in the knees. I don't even know this man.. He noticed me staring and flashed a killer smile at me. I waved and positioned my body to where he could see all my curves.

"Oh I'm really gonna have some fun here.."I whispered to no one.

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