Ordinary Woman

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I finished filing Joy's paperwork and slammed the folder shut. A bottle of Scotch doesn't sound so bad right about now. I needed to avoid drinking though, especially if Teagan would say yes. First rule of dominance was never be under the influence, but then again, I'm a grown ass man.

I went to my bar, which was located beautifully under my bookcase and pulled the key out of my pocket and twisted the lock open. I let out a soft sigh as I stared the whiskey down and proceed to grab it by its neck. I poured a glass and swirled it around gently as I took a quick whiff.

The pungent odor seemed to have slapped me in the face, considering the fact I hadn't had Scotch in months. I took a sip and felt the spirit run down my throat and settle in my stomach. I groaned softly as I began to unwind and trudge out of my office and to my room. I unlocked my room and collapsed on the bed, not even bothering to kick it close like normal.

I just don't understand where I went wrong with Joy...

I stared emptily at the ceiling, thinking an answer was going to fall out the sky and land in my lap. The real question was who got her pregnant? And how did it happen? I chewed my bottom lip in frustration as I began searching for some sort of clue whether it be a weird look, an oddly placed sentence. My head slowly began to throb the more I thought about it. I finished the last of my Scotch and felt my lids get heavy. My body felt heavy as I started drifting in and out of consciousness.

I could smell the subtle perfumes that danced around her natural hair after it was freshly washed. My Aphrodite. I loved the way her hands trembled when she was emotional. The way her nostrils flared when she raised her voice in defiance. Damn was she amazing... I opened my eyes and saw her laying next to me. Her smooth brown skin looking like something out of a painting rather than reality.

She turned over to face me and I smiled. "Hey." "Hey you." She placed a soft kiss on my lips and I moaned softly. "You're beautiful," I whispered to her, "have I said that lately?" She shook her head and I watched as her brown skin flushed to a soft red. "Well you are." She chuckled and shrugged, "I know." I laughed softly and placed my arms around her.

I loved feeling her skin against mine. Ebony and Ivory, they would say. I felt my hands reach about her body and explore every dip, curve, peak, and valley. Our lips softly touched again but this time with more passion but neither of us fought for dominance. Instead it was an equal desire. Her nails dug into my arms as she shift her weight to where I was on top.

"Take it," she whispered.

I hesitated and looked down into her soulful eyes. "Take?" She nodded as she ran her fingers through my hair. "I'm letting you take." Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck....don't lose it Michael.

I felt her kiss my neck and I flinched a little. I looked at her and started kissing her again, I felt her lightly tug my hair and I moaned.

In the heat of the moment, I pushed her legs open and did what all men did best..or thought they did best.

She moaned my name over and over and it only made me want more. The slight pain of her nails in my back only turned me on even more.

"Please sir, make me yours..." she softly whispered in between moans.

I will...I will...I will...Teagan.

I violently jerked out of my sleep. The room was fucking sweltering and I was out of breath. I tried to move and paused when something wet hit my inner thigh. "What the fuck?" I unbuckled my pants and yanked them down to only be greeted with a stain against my grey underwear.

"What am I 14?" I hissed at myself. I awkwardly climbed out of bed and turned on the shower. My eyes were blood shot and my skin was on fire. "What has gotten into you man?" I asked my reflection. My skin was flushed with red and my hair was all over the place. "She's just a woman," I hissed, "Teagan is just a woman. You've done sex therapy with dozens of women and you've slept with...a lot. Point is, there's no need in getting worked up over her." I stripped down and stepped into the freezing shower. I stood there, shaking as I tried to forget about the dream I had.

"She's just a woman. Just a woman. Just a woman. Just a woman..."

She's just a woman..a woman...a woman...my woman...my woman...my woman...

Teagan is my woman...

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