Are & Be

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Romanov had this weird look on his face when he saw me in the garden. I frowned and rolled my eyes as I continued to cornrow one of my new associates, Marlene's, hair. Marlene was in rehab for social anxiety but she was such a sweet soul. "How come you never told me you had a boyfriend?" I jeered. Marlene shrugged. "He ain't important." 

"Ain't important? Girl, that's not fair. If he giving you that pipe then he's important!" 

Marlene laughed till a loud snort escaped her. She froze and then burst into a fit of laughter. I couldn't help but do the same. "Marlene, you are a riot! When we get out of here, I want you to come visit me." Marlene shrugged. "Nah. I have to get back to Memphis. I have to take care of my mom and dad." I shrugged. "I'll cut you a check," I casually stated as I grabbed the jar of EcoStyler and an old toothbrush. 

"Tea, that's awfully generous of you." I shrugged once more. "I have too much money and not enough good things that deserve it, but you do-well I'm done." I finished the last swoop on her baby hairs and held the mirror out. 

"Oh my God. Who would've known an Academy Award winning actor like Teagan Lee also could do hair." I laughed. "Girl, I'm black, I gotta learn the trade." "Thank you and thank you for talking to me." I nodded and gave her the products back. Marlene walked away and I ran my fingers through my own kinky short hair. "I need some braids now.." 


"White devil." 

Romanov frowned at me as I stood up. "Have you read?" My eyes widened as I completely forgot to actually do an in depth research instead of just running to Google on my rehab-provided phone. "Ummm..." "Tatum." My entire body froze at my government name being said. I hadn't heard that in years, even in court I only heard my middle name. "Thought I wouldn't call you by your government name?" My mouth twisted into a frown. "Whatever, look. I read into it." "And?" "And nothing." I walked off deeper into the garden to escape his scorning. 

"Tatum." Stop that shit...


I abruptly stopped to turn around and shoot Michael the dirtiest look I could manage. "Stop that. Only my father called me Tatum! Then again, he only called me that when I had committed a fucking mortal sin against him!" I shouted. Romanov wasn't even phased by my sudden outburst. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed. "Walk with me." He held out his arm and I hesitantly took it. 

"Tea, why don't you ever speak of your father?" Romanov whispered, "it's not like he's around to yell at you." "That's the issue," I softly replied, "I never had him. Hollywood did." I couldn't believe this 6'2, blue-eyed control freak was actually listening to me. "Then what?" I clutched Romanov's arm a little tighter. "My mother lost it. I was bounced between her and my father's numerous wives...and then I starred in a movie with him and they began to make a profit off of me. Child star." 

Romanov scoffed in disbelief. "I don't understand how parents can just exploit their daughter like that." I shrugged. "Money, is the most powerful drug." "Understandable." We were now standing in front of Romanov's office. "But I know that isn't true." Romanov reached in my back pocket and yanked the baggy out. 

"You've been getting high. How did you smuggle this in?" He hissed. 

I froze and sighed. "Look, I was going to toss it out. I just found it in my bag and realized I never cleaned it out from the last trip." Romanov glared at me. "All I ask from my clients, are to be clean, and be honest with me. You did none of it." 

"Oh come on! Don't do that, we were just having a good moment." 

"Yeah but as your doctor, you've just ruined everything!" 

"It's not like you were doing shit anyways. This place is a glorified hotel!" 

Romanov's pale skin turned a bright red at my comment. "You are vexing," he hissed, "I'm cancelling your stay. Get the fuck out my sight." Romanov slammed the door of his office, leaving me standing there like an idiot. 


I stormed off to my room and slammed my door just as hard. 

I already feel bad. And it hasn't even been ten minutes. 

later that night...

The dimly lit hallway freaked me out a little as I walked down the hall. I sighed as I pressed my forehead against the large wood door. It took me almost a minute to form a tiny fist and knock softly. The door creaked open and I frowned when the entire office was dark. 

"What is it?" 

I jumped at the sound of Romanov's gruff voice. His curly black hair was like a black mop all over his head and he only had on a pair of baggy pajama pants. They hung so low, the top of his hip bone poked out a little. "I'm sorry," I softly whispered, still a little stunned by Romanov's body. 

"It's okay," he huffed. Romanov rubbed his eyes and stared at me blankly. "I was just-" 

"Upset." I nodded in shame and stared down at my white painted toes. "Hey." Romanov made his way towards me and placed his hands on either side of my face. 

My heart began to race and my lip trembled a little. I hadn't felt this way in a long time. "Don't be scared of me," Romanov whispered. I relaxed as he leaned in a placed a tender kiss on my lips. Good grief, I missed the touch of a man... Romanov's soft lips were surprisingly gentle and his hands didn't venture past my waist. I finally pulled back and gingerly placed my hand on my bottom lip, just to make sure that everything was real. 

"Don't be afraid to be vulnerable," Romanov whispered, "I'm not gonna hurt you." 

That's a loaded statement....

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