I'm a Doctor, Trust Me

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Tea was sitting in the chair in front of me with a skimpy blue skirt on and a matching blue crop top. She was busy reading The Art of Sexual Dominance while I was looking over notes from my previous session. 

"Question." "Mmhm," I responded, chewing the arm of my glasses. 

"The submissive, whether man or woman, must make it their duty to please their dom. No alcohol, drugs, or any other substances that may disrupt the sub's attention may be consumed, twelve hours before any domination." 

"I haven't heard the question," I replied. 

"Make it their duty to please their dom. So, if you say do some freaky shit?"

I nodded slowly. "Gotta do it, but I won't ask for anything that you're not comfortable with. My job as your dom, is to not only push you sexually but also care for you." 

Teagan's big brown eyes rolled, oh so perfectly. "I feel like I'm signing my life away." "You are," i jeered. Teagan scoffed as she tossed the book in my lap and stood up. "Let's practice how well you listen," I suggested. "Umm no." "See that's what you lack. Discipline. It's about control and knowing when to be on ten and when to be on two. And you, miss missy, are always on twelve." Tea shrugged as she poured herself a cup of tea. 

"I'm serious," I stood up as a took my reading glasses off, "I'm not gonna ask for anything crazy. I'm a doctor, trust me." I smiled as Tea rolled her eyes once more and sighed. "Fine, no freaky shit." "No freaky shit," I repeated as I crossed my heart in compliance. 

"Okay, boss me around," she commanded. 

"Shut up," I hissed. Tea's eyes widened in the sudden shift of moods. "Sit." I pointed on my desk and she slowly walked over and perched her beautiful body on top, leg shaking in anticipation. 

I made my way over to her and smiled. "You nervous, babe?" I gently traced the path of her legs with my finger tips, leaving goosebumps along the way. She shook her head slowly. "Words, baby. Dr. Romanov likes words." "No sir..." I kept running my fingers over her brown skin, which was now burning up the more I touched. She was beyond turned on. Teagan trembled under my touch and I grabbed her arm forcefully, snapping her out of her trance. 

"You going to obey my every command?" 

"Yes sir." 

"You going to be a good girl?" 

"Unh huh." 

I glared suddenly, notifying her mistake. 

"Yes sir." I smirked as I placed my hand on the back of her neck, something I loved doing. My thumb gently traced circles around her nape and I watched as she seemed to melt in my hands. "See," I softly whispered, in her ear, "letting go of yourself is fun." Teagan seemed a completely different woman like this. "Wanna go a little further?" I didn't expect her to answer to quickly. 

I grabbed her hands in mine and placed them palms don't on the desk. "Don't move," I ordered. As I began to pepper kisses all over her neck and ear, I felt her hands twitch as she attempted to lean back. I inhaled the exotic scent of her hair products and lavender oil and fell in love. I decided to leave a little gift for her as I sucked on the base of her neck. Teagan gasped and began to moan incoherently. There was a hard knock at my door and I groaned. "Hold on," I whispered. 

I fixed myself and calmly walked to the door. Tate was standing there with a weird look on her face. "Hey, you got a minute?" I shook my head slightly. "I'm handling something." "Romanov, how can you turn me down? I just want a couple of drinks and somebody to talk to and-" 

"Dr. Romanov." Tate heard Teagan's voice and froze. "What are you..." 

"Nothing, come back later." 

I closed the door and smiled. Teagan was blushing so hard that she looked like she was mad. I locked my door and returned back to my spot in between her beautiful legs. "I hate you," she softly whispered. I frowned in response. "Why?" I purred as I fingered a loose curl with care. 

"I don't like it when a man takes what he can't have." 

I chuckled as I placed the tip of my finger on the purple mark that was slowly forming on her skin. "You got enough concealer to cover that up?" Teagan rolled her eyes and tried to stand. I held my stance and made her look me in the eye. 

"You just took the first step. You let yourself be vulnerable. Congratulations, Ms. Lee." 

Teagan glared at me with all the fire in the world. "Whatever," she hissed. Teagan stood up and I could see a glimpse of vulnerability already there. "Hey," I softly whispered, no longer in the dominating tone of voice. 

"Don't be afraid of me Teagan please. I lo--I care about you and your well-being." I let out an internal sigh of relief when she didn't notice the mistake I made. "You're the only one that's cared. That's the issue. You want something," the actor softly replied. 

No no no, I don't anything nor anyone. I simply want to be with you. 

I ignored the thoughts in my head and sighed as I returned my glasses back to its spot on my face. 

"Only thing I want is to see you happy," I confessed,"and if that's a crime then oh well. Punish me." 

I grabbed her hand and gave it a loving squeeze. 

"I'm your doctor, you can always trust me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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