Getting to Know You

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Despite the fact I wasn't allowed to have any access to the outside world, I was pretty satisfied with the rehab facility at this point. I woke up early and stepped into the shower. I let the water sting my skin as lathered the soap in my hands. I realized I didn't bring many hair products with me and frowned. "How in the hell can I take care of this natural mess if I don't have any coconut oil?" I huffed. I shrugged off the thought and stepped out of the shower with a towel around my body. I searched through my bags for a comfortable outfit to wear.

    "Jesus Christ, what did I freaking pack?"

    There was a loud knock at my door and I jumped, damn near losing the towel in the process. I walked over to my door and opened it. Dr. Tate was standing there in a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt but still had on her white coat. "Goodmorning Ms. Lee, I didn't know you were such a late sleeper. I would've scheduled your appointment with Dr. Romanov later." I frowned. I completely forgot I had my first session today. I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. "Look I'm sorry. I'm adjusting to this thing and I just need time to get used to it. Can we do this later?" I yawned instantly and rubbed my eyes. The tall woman frowned. Her tan skin stretching across her stiff ass face in the process. "No. I'm afraid we can't. Dr. Romanov doesn't appreciate sudden changes, so it's best you get ready ma'am and make your way downstairs with me." Oh okay... "Sure," I replied quietly, "let me just get ready." I slammed the door in her face and began cussing. "What the hell was all that for?" I hissed. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, my University of Southern California t-shirt, and a pair of Chacos. I put a gold headband on top of my head and kept it moving.

    I opened my door and saw Tate with her back to me. She was talking on the phone and I waited. "Yes I understand. I'll make sure that everything is taken care of. Yes...I think you'll like this one." "Oh really?" I asked loudly. Dr. Tate turned around and flashed a bright smile at me. "Ready to go?" I glared at her and nodded. "Sure why not. I don't have anything else to do." We walked down the stairs and I saw the full beauty of the rehab. People were walking around laughing and chatting and other model-esque doctors were walking around supervising patients but also just talking to them.

    We walked to the other side of the building and I saw two brown double doors with Dr. Michael N. Romanov engraved on a gold plaque. "Have fun Ms. Lee. After your session, you can go have lunch and then go to the rec center to meet some of our other patients." Tate smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged her off and sighed as I knocked on the door.

    "It's open!" A man on the other side shouted.

    I opened it and closed the door behind me. The office was huge as it had a view over the entire rehab below. A tall, brunette man was sitting in a leather chair. The angles of his face stood out as he chewed his bottom lip. He was busy looking at something so I was making myself busy looking at him. "Good morning Ms. Lee. It's 9:30. You're late." I turned around and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry Doc. I overslept." Dr. Romanov huffed and peered over his glasses. His dark blue eyes examined me up and down and he rolled them. "Take seat. We have a lot to work on." I frowned. "What does that mean?" I asked. "DUIs, smoking weed before going on stage, showing up drunk to events. You have a problem and I'm here to help." "I'm fine Doc. I just have a stressful life okay." Dr. Romanov sighed. "You aren't. You were sent here by the court system and now we have to make sure you improve." Dr. Romanov stood up and walked over to the desk near my seat.

    "You aren't alone okay."

    I laughed in his face. "Of course I'm not! I have millions of fans wanting on me to come back and then when I do, they're gonna be shouting my name and waiting for me to walk back into the spotlight." Romanov glared down at me and laughed. "Okay. Sure. I see what we're gonna have to do."


    "Put you out your comfort zone. That's the only way you're gonna change. If you're put into a situation where you have to." I shook my head. "No I don't." "Yes you do." I twisted my head up towards him and side-eyed him. "Okay fine. You're the doctor." I threw my hands up and rolled my eyes. "So what do you have in mind Dr. Save-a-hoe." "First..we're gonna have to work on that mouth of yours." I sighed. "Okay...." "Second, we're gonna have to get you used to following rules around here, like being on time." I laughed. "How could you talk about me being on time when you were the one at the pool yesterday?" I asked. Dr. Romanov stiffened and I chuckled.

"Thought I wouldn't recognize a body like yours?" I asked.

"No. I'm just glad you had the pleasure of seeing the nice side of me, because I tend become a lot harsher towards my patients that don't have patience." I smirked and crossed my arms. "I would love to see that happen Doc." Dr. Romanov smiled from ear to ear. "Of course someone like you would. I think I've gathered enough evidence for the day. Thank you." I bit my lip as I stood up. "What? No good job sticker? No pat on the back?" Romanov shook his head. "No, but you can leave my office and go somewhere else." Romanov smiled as he opened the door and escorted me out.

I was about to say one more sly comment until the door slammed in my face. I smirked. He hates me...good.

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