Bitter Coffee

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I waited on her for our morning session. Today we were going to dig into her past and why Teagan acted the way she did. It had to be something. She wasn't doing it just to be doing it. There was something that made that woman the way she was and I was going to find out before my kick boxing lesson this afternoon.

She walked in wearing a short satin black dress and heels. Her short black hair was in tight curls all over her pretty face. Teagan had a permanent frown on her face and I loved it. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra as the outline of her body revealed two pierced nipples. "Good morning," I sweetly said. Teagan rolled her eyes as she sat down in the leather chair in front of mine. "How did you sleep?" I asked as I grabbed my notebook, pen and cup of coffee. "Fine," she stiffly replied. I sighed as I poured her a cup of coffee. "Sugar? Creme?" "Neither." I whistled. "You drink straight black coffee?" Tegan nodded as I handed her the cup.

"My father said if I wanted to drink coffee. It had to be straight black. None of that "sweet shit" as he said." Teagan took a sip and glanced at me. I saw the look in her eyes. It was brief. She was already opening up to me without even being prompted. It was a flash of fear.

"Teagan, I'm here to help you and by doing that we're going to have to push you."

"Push me where? Off a damn cliff." I rolled my eyes at her smartass comment.

Just when I thought I had her...

"No...I need you to close your eyes. We're going to try an exercise quickly."

Teagan frowned at my command and shifted in her seat. "Don't try any sexual stuff with me. I'll report your ass quicker than ever." I sighed. "I'm not like that." Yet.. "Just do it." Teagan sighed as she closed her eyes. "I need you to to say the first word that comes to your mind when I saw the words I'm about to say okay? Nod your head if you understand." Teagan nodded and I watched her tense. It was there. The fear...obviously something went wrong...



I froze..Shit... "Okay, mother."





"Extreme happiness." I chuckled at her answer..she sure has a way with words.


"Kinky." I chuckled a little louder. Teagan frowned as she sat up; her eyes still closed tightly. Okay okay, now it was time to be serious. I had to get her to loosen up before I hit her with this one.

I bit my lip if I should even same this name...was I going to say it.

"Matthew Martin Lee."

I watched as Teagan's eyes fluttered open and she glared at me. "Don't you mention his name ever, in my presence." I stared at her as she glared holes into my skin. "Teagan why can't I talk about your fat-"

"Because I don't want you to," she stiffly said, "I don't want to talk about my father and that's it." She stumbled over her words and for once she revealed a more vulnerable side. "Teagan." "Look, you want to know the story about Matthew Martin Lee? Five time Oscar winner, philanthropist, and humanitarian, and activist?" Teagan hissed.

"No," I calmly answered, "I want you to know..obviously you haven't faced that."

"I'm not going to. Not now, not ever!" Teagan shot out of her seat and stormed out my office, leaving a bitter feeling in the air and in my chest. I sighed as I sipped my coffee slowly. Tate walked in and she had a concerned looked plastered on her face. "So that just happened?" She asked, I assumed just to verify the dramatic storm out that occurred. "Yeah," I whispered. I assume it wasn't that wasn't the best place to start. 

Later on that evening, I was pouring myself a glass to drink in my room while the soft tones of Chopin filled my room. I collapsed onto my bed and sighed as the scotch burned my throat, in a good way. I turned off my light and laid in the darkness, only to be rudely interrupted by soft knocking at my door. I frowned. It was two in the morning, the only person is up this late is Annalise. None of the patience are allowed to be roaming. I got up and opened the door. 

"Hey," she whispered. "Teagan, you're not supposed to be over here." "I know," she flatly responded, "I just came to apologize. I should know as my therapist you're here to help, not harm. I'm just a little...shook. I'm not used to letting any man into my life. It all goes to shit. So tomorrow I'll be better." I smiled as I leaned against the door. She was still wearing the satin slip dress but her hair was messy all over her head and she looked like she had been crying. 

"Have you been-" 

"No," she curtly responded, "goodnight." "I'm always here, you don't have to be worried." I took the leap of faith by reaching out and placing my hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. I felt a subtle, almost unnoticeable shudder and knew she was still shook up. "Goodnight. Dr. Romanov," she whispered. Teagan grabbed my hand and gave it slight squeeze and turned around to leave. 

This was going to be harder than I thought... 

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