Baby Girl

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There was this heavy ache in my chest, this hollow feeling, almost like someone had taken a knife and just gutted me. I was curled up in a tight ball while lying in a hammock. The sun was just about to rise. I loved when the sky looked like this, that rosy pink with just enough blue sky in between. I could feel the heat as it was already in the seventies but it still felt good. It was peaceful, serene; no counselors or doctors to bother me. I wondered what I was going to have for breakfast; waffles didn't seem so bad. 

My stream of consciousness was rudely interrupted when I heard low grunts and huffs, like someone was fighting. I frowned as I sat up to address who had ruined my perfect pre-morning moment. My body stiffened when I saw Dr. Romanov punching a dummy and practicing his boxing skills. His hands were tapped and he was shirtless. The sweat rolled off his toned body as he punched again and again with more force. I watched and didn't care if he would eventually notice. The serious look engraved on his face made me shake a little. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Romanov finally noticed me and paused. "How long have you been watchin?" He asked as he pulled out a water bottle. "Long enough to realize you'd be a great bodyguard for me," I teased. He rolled his eyes as he took a sip. "I'm glad you're doing better." His pale blue eyes burned holes in my body as he examined me up and down. 

"What?" I asked. 
"No, what?" 

"You look cute," he flatly responded. 

I chuckled and shrugged. "What can I say, it's a gift." Romanov muttered something, probably a smartass remark. "Can you hand me my towel?" He asked. I looked above me and saw a towel hanging off of a branch. I grabbed it, crawled out of my position, and walked over to him. Romanov towered over me and I felt like a helpless little girl against him. Romanov grabbed the towel but for some reason I didn't release my grip. "What is it?" He asked in a concern tone. "Nothing," I whispered shyly, "when you're not my doctor you're pretty hot." Romanov chuckled and let out a deep, hearty laugh. 

"What can I say," he jeered, "it's gift." I rolled my eyes. "Here, I got it." I pulled the towel away and began to dab away at the sweat on his body. I started at his lower torso and worked my way up his body. His slender waist and broad shoulders looked like something out of a movie. Romanov had a body on him, not even gonna lie...if he wasn't my therapist I would've probably had his baby already. Damn, I wonder is he seeing someone. I bet if he was she'd be-

"You've been wiping away at the sweat on my stomach for what seems like an eternity. You're gonna wipe the skin off," Romanov joked. I flinched in realization of what I was doing and tossed the towel at him. 

"Don't do that." "Do what?" "That thing!" Romanov's thick ass eyebrows pushed together in confusion. "I'm really confused." "You let me touch you and feel all on you because you wanted to get me vulnerable," I hissed. Romanov's lips quivered as he held back a laugh. "Don't you dare." But he did it anyways. He began to laugh and I began to glare. "Oh, Teagan," he sighed, "I was just letting you do what you want. But if you want to feel vulnerable." Romanov was back towering over me, he damn near blocked the sun with his tall body. 

He leaned down to where his lips grazed my ear and a slight shiver ran down my back. 

"I can make you feel whatever you want," he whispered. There was a soft, dark laugh that followed and I stepped back to look him in the eyes. "But! I have other patients to care for and a waffle to go eat. You'll get your chance, Teagan." Romanov grabbed his things and seemed to glide away from me. I struggled to keep up with his long steps as we went back to the main facility. "What are you trying to say? You're gonna do some crazy hypnosis stuff to me or whatever?" Romanov rolled his eyes as he ignored my comment. 

"Hey, I'm talking to you," I hissed. Romanov stopped and glared at me. "What is it, little brown girl?" He hissed. "Hey, you don't get to use that." I chewed my lip and shook my head. "Nothing. Just go. Go be a good doctor." Romanov sighed as he hooked my arm into his and we continued walking. 

"Look, I want you to improve, but if you're not willing to work for it. I can't do anything." I grimaced. I did want life was a mess. "I..." Romanov turned glanced back around at me and he waited for a few seconds, rolled his eyes, and strolled off. 

I was standing there like I was booboo the fool...I wasn't about to let some man run my life like this. It wasn't going to happen. "I'm getting a waffle and I'm willing to make you one. Hurry up before I change my mind," Romanov yelled. I scurried to catch up with him and ran into the building behind him. We went into the kitchen and I watched as Romanov set his towel down and grabbed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. He reached up to grab the batter and a measuring cup. I sat on top of the counter and waited for my breakfast. 

"So, how are you feeling?" He suddenly asked. 

I shrugged as I took a sip of some orange juice as well. "I'm chilling." Romanov chuckled as he stirred the batter and turned on the waffle iron. His muscles seemed to flex every time he moved. How is he this in shape? Romanov poured the white liquid into the iron and closed it for a moment. He turned to face me and smiled. "I'm proud of you," Romanov whispered. "Huh?" 

"I'm proud of what you've accomplished in your life so far. You're a successful actor, you've been nominated for multiple awards and you're only what? Twenty-two?" 

I chuckled. "Close, I'm twenty-five." Romanov's eyebrows rose almost to his hairline. "You look so young." I nodded. "Black don't crack." Romanov smiled and shook his head. He open up the iron and pulled off the waffles. "Enjoy." I chuckled as I took a bite out of my breakfast. I nodded in approval and my doctor laughed. He had a funny look on his face, like he was checking me out. 

Before I could say something, Dr. Tate came running in with a scared look on her face. "It's Joy," she grimly stated. Romanov moved so quick that his glass fell to the floor. "Teagan, stay here!" He ran out of the kitchen but I disobeyed and followed. I followed them to Joy's room and saw the sight he didn't want me to see. 

She was covered in blood and was laying in a puddle of her own urine. 

"I didn't know I had a baby..." 

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