Woman Thou Art Loose

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The following day, I wasn't scheduled to see Romanov. In fact, he cancelled every single one of my sessions for the rest of the week. I sat in art class and followed the teacher's instructions of using the brush with grace and elegance. I remember the feelings I experienced when Romanov and I kissed. It was like I was in the twelfth grade all over again. The giddy fluttering of the heart and the weakening of the knees. I found myself not painting the the roses like we were supposed to, but an abstract picture of a set of deeply blue eyes with serious eyebrows to match.

I huffed as I began to throw it away, but decided to keep it. It was gorgeous and it was done all on the sheer daydreaming I experience. I smiled at my painting and hurried to hang it in my room at the end of the day. I placed it next to the picture of my parents I had hanging in my room and sighed. "I miss you more than I like to admit."

I glanced at my watch and realized it was well after noon and I had not seen Romanov. I decided to march to his office and bang on his door as hard as my fist would allow it. I kept banging until it whipped open with such sudden force that I fell over. I looked up and saw Romanov staring at me.

"You're the last person I want to see," he stiffly stated.

I got up and adjusted my sundress. "Look, last night was wild. Yesterday was wild but that doesn't mean you get to ignore me. I am your patient." "There are other doctors." "Yeah, but you're mine."

Romanov paused and his brows furrowed at my statement. "Not like that."

"I apologize for coming onto you like that," I calmly stated. Romanov sighed and shook his head. "It's fine. It just kind of ruins this type of therapy I was about to try." I frowned in confusion. "What was it?" Romanov opened his mouth but clamped it shut. "Nothing." "No no. I want to hear."

"Sex therapy."

My body pulled back, my chin tilted down, and my hand flew to my chest. "Is that legal?" Romanov busted into a fit of laughter and grabbed his side from all the cackling. "Teagan, we are two consenting adults. You're twenty-five and I'm twenty-seven. There's nothing wrong with that. It would be illegal if I forced you into this, that would be rape."

Romanov suddenly got serious and stared at me, hard. "What would this consist of?" I asked quietly, feeling rather embarrassed about my question.


My eyes fluttered to meet his and I paused. "Fifty Sha-"


I jumped a little. "Fifty Shades is an inaccurate representation of what that whole community is. Christian Grey is also a manipulative, creep. I could do a whole lecture on why Fifty Shades is awful; from it's bad research, all the way to its actors and crew. The only good thing was the soundtrack."

I giggled at Romanov's passionate statement. "Look, I would never put you through anything that I believed was dangerous. Honest. I would take care of you the entire time." Romanov put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Would we still have regular sessions?" I asked slowly. "If you want." I shrugged. "This has me a little....shook." Romanov nodded.

"Understood, I don't offer this to many patients."

"You've done it to others?!"

Romanov nodded. "I'm a doctor. I specialize in sexual wellness and mental health." He flashed a killer smile at me and I just stared in awe. "Listen, just go do some research, nothing serious. Just an overview. I'm always a resource." Romanov shrugged as he took off his glasses and chewed the arm of them.

"Will anyone know about this?"

He shook his head. "Just you and me. Everything is kept in a safe in the facility and only I have the key." I was thrown all the way off. Just ten minutes ago he didn't want to seem me, but know he wants to try sex therapy?! Submission? What the hell man..?

"And if I say no?"

"We do our regular sessions then."

I did have an interest in Romanov...not gonna lie. He had the personality of someone who would like that...

"I'm not creepy."

"I know that! Look, look. Just give me a crash course." Romanov's smile grew even wider to showing all his perfect teeth. "Sure?" "Do it before I change my mind." Romanov put back on his glasses and went to his closet and unlocked something.

He calmly brought back a black leather-bound book for me. A tome would be more like it... Romanov looked me in my eyes as he sat it on his desk. The gold engraved letters startled me as I shakily placed my hand on it.

The Art of Sexual Dominance

"I want you to read a little bit of it tonight and see what you think," he whispered. I turned to look up at him and he had a very different look on his face. Romanov's jaw was clenched and his eyes were like snow. The way he examined me was completely different to what I was used to. It was as if, I was his. Blindly following his every command. I'm getting turned on... He placed his hand in the small of my back. "It's a suggestion," he whispered again. Romanov immediately pulled back and the atmosphere switched back.

"Look, girl. I have other people to manage. So if you could please leave my office that would be fantastic!" Romanov loudly stated with a grin on his face. I stood with the book to my chest, like it was the Holy Word.

I was stuck and didn't know what to do.

"Goodbye Tea!" Romanov exclaimed as he led me out of his office. He opened the door and Tate was standing there. Michael and Tate locked eyes and it was a tense moment. "What's going on here?" She stiffly asked.

"We had a little come to Jesus meeting," I stated, automatically. Romanov nodded. "Yep, we're back on the same page and will start back again tomorrow morning. See you then." Romanov rubbed my shoulder and gave me a slight push to walk.

I began to walk slowly, as if I was a baby trying to get a hold of the art.

I glanced back and saw Romanov staring at me. He looked at me and winked before closing his door.

Oh fuck. 

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