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I walked down the hall of the rehab and stopped and stared outside out into the garden. I stepped out of the door and the fresh air hit me. I smiled and let out a sigh as I walked into the garden and took a seat on one of the bench. "Hi." I looked up and saw a young woman about my age or a little bit younger looking over me with a book in her hand.

She had on a long-sleeved sweater in this heat and jeans on. "Can I sit with you?" She asked. I nodded. Her long black hair was tangled in places and looked unkept. "Sure sweetie." "My name is Joy." What a name for a sad, sad face. "How old are you Joy?" I asked. "I'm nineteen. My parents sent me here after I broke down during my final exam at law school and had a schizophrenic episode. I freaked out and the ambulance had to come. Now I'm here...you?" Damn... "Alcohol and drugs," I blatantly replied.

"I liked your last movie," Joy informed, "your character was like a mixture of Foxy Brown and The Bride from Kill Bill and it was so great." I chuckled. "Thank you."

"So you're paired with Dr. Romanov?" I nodded as I chewed my bottom lip. "He's really nice...at least to the younger patients. He gives us advice and takes us outside sometimes-him and Tate are great doctors." I frowned. Why the hell haven't I seen that side. "Everywhere they plan a trip towards the end of summer to go camping in Northern California and it's fun. One guy who was just released, Thomas, he loved it so much that now he volunteers as a counselor and a liaison here." I nodded. "Seems nice. So what do you do around here when you're not getting counseling?" "If you're underage they have a school here but usually you don't see them unless they're out doing activities and stuff, but they let you do what you want. You can do yoga, take dancing lessons, learn a new language-I've currently taken up Arabic. "

I whistled. "Impressive. Can you speak, read, and write?" Joy shook her head. She twirled a loose string of her sweater around her finger. "Only write. I'm learning though. The teacher, Ms. Hassan, says I'm improving." I nodded as I took a deep breath and smelled the blooming flowers around me. "Joy," a man said. We both turned around and saw Dr. Romanov standing there, his white button shirt was rolled up to reveal toned arms and I grimaced. "How have you been?" He asked, completely ignoring my presence. "Good Doc. Is it time for my session?" Doc nodded as he extended his arm out. Joy smiled and she seemed comfortable around him. "See you around Tea." I smiled and waved her off. Romanov and I made eye contact and he shot a dark and menacing look at me. I glared at him and turned back around. He must have something against....me! Because I really don't want to be here either.


I imagined her body in my hands. Her curly, coily natural hair in between my fingers as I pulled it. Control...that's what she needed. No one had been stern with her...I was willing to be. I adjusted myself as I began to get aroused thinking about her. "Michaek!" I jumped and looked up. Annalise was sitting on my desk with a folder in her hands. "Did you hear anything I said about Joy? Her advisor has noticed some changes in her behavior and weight. Do you think she's slipping back?" I shook my head as I straightened up.

"Joy is a capable young woman. She was top of her class. Full ride to Indiana University. Do you know how hard it is to get in there now? God, you almost have to sell your soul to go to a school with some damn Ivy growing on it." I nodded. "I think she needs to go back to having check-ins on the hour." I nodded. I wonder how Teagan is with obedience...probably terrible. She has a mouth on her...maybe gagging her would help.

"Michael Nicholas Romanov! Are you listening?!"

"Yes I am Annalise Renee Tate!" I shouted.

Annalise stared at me and her upper lip curled over in anger. "You're thinking about Teagan aren't you? Can't you just for once push that side of you away?" I frowned and looked down in shame. "I'm sorry. You're right. Joy needs to have more supervision. She's made a lot of progress and having her fall back this far is only going to keep her here longer, plus her insurance is beginning to dwindle, but for now I'll keep her covered." Annalise frowned. "Micahel, you can't keep paying for every little girl or boy who comes in here seeking help." I looked up at her. "Last time I checked, many years ago, I came in here. Suicidal, doped up on drugs I couldn't even spell, and last time I checked, you made sure the financial department didn't kick me out." Annalise's face turned blank, wiped of all emotions. She threw her hands up.

"If you're gonna do your thing. Don't let anyone know. Make her sign a contract and only engage in those things when either you're completely alone or it's after hours."

"Of course. Don't wanna hear her scream around lunchtime now do we?" I smirked as Annalise walked out of my office and slammed the door behind me. I looked at Teagan's records and sighed. I wonder how did she feel about being dominated? 

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