Talking B-O-Y-S

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"Wait, Magneto's your dad?!" Jubilee asked in shock. A little too loud actually. I quickly shushed her in response. Jubilee, Jean and I were in mine and Jean's room.

"Sorry!" Jubilee whispered, then continued softly. "Magneto's your dad?"

I gave her a nod. "Yeah."

"Wanda. How do you feel about all this?" Jean asked, hugging her knees.

"I don't know. It was all to much to soak in at once." I answered.

"It's kinda scary too! Having your dad be a bad guy and all." Jubilee spoke.

"That too." I agreed. God knows how he is now.

"Does he know about you, Peter, and Lorna?" Jean asked.

"No. Never did and probably never will." I answered. Jean let out a hum in response.

"You guys don't look at me differently, right? Now that you know my dad is a wanted man? That he did unspeakable things?" I asked.

"Psh, are you kidding?!" Jubilee asked in disbelief, smacking my leg. "You're you, Wanda. We love you for you."

"We'll always look at you as our best friend, Wanda." Jean added. My lips parted, before I quickly wrapped my arms around both of them.

"Thank you. You two are the best friends I always wanted." I smiled, pulling away. "Now can we please talk about something else? I wanna forget this situation for a while. Just say something else." Sometimes, I don't mind a little gossip in my life.

"Oh, um...Ooh! So, Matthew Stuart handed me a note saying that he liked me." Jubilee spoke with a confident smile. Jean and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Jubi!" Jean and I exclaimed in unison, while I placed my hands on my cheeks. Jubilee laughed.

"Do you like him?" Jean asked as she leaned in.

"I don't know! I-I guess!" Jubilee answered. I chuckled.

"Well, you better talk to him tomorrow!" I said. Jubilee laughed. "Talk to him during lunch or something when you have free time!"

"I'll definitely mark that in my schedule." Jubilee replied, grabbing a Twinkie from my hidden stash located in my bottom drawer.

"At least you got a boy who likes you for you." Jean mumbled. I nudged her shoulder.

"Guys, you're gonna get boys soon. Don't worry." Jubilee assured. I scoffed playfully. "Jean might, but I'm not. Who's gonna like me? I look like a Potato."

"But a Sweet Potato!" Jubilee added, sending me a wink.

I gave her a sarcastic laugh as I laid my head on Jean's lap.

"Come on, don't think like that! You're gonna find someone."

"Yeah, A cat named Louis." Jean said.

"Yeah, I second that notion, but I'm gonna name mine George Micheal." I added, raising my hand. Jubilee rolled her eyes, throwing the Twinkie wrapper at me.

"Alright, what do you girls want in a boy? Just asking and no more remarks. You're too down on yourselves." Jubilee demanded. Jean and I looked at each other, then back at Jubilee.

"Well, I want a boy that doesn't look at me like I'm a freak. I definitely wouldn't mind that's he's a like me. Something that we can both agree on. Bonus points if he's not an asshole." Jean explained. She and Jubilee then looked down at me.

"Wanda?" Jubilee asked with raised eyebrows. I smiled a little, sitting up.

"Well...for one, I want a boy that likes me for me. I don't want him to be afraid of me. I want him to be supportive of my actions. If I do something wrong, with my abilities or in general, I still want him to be there and not me scared. But at the same time, he'll tell me what's right or wrong. He'll care for me no matter what. He'll believe in me. Have faith in me." I explained. I looked at Jean and Jubilee, who had smiles plastered on their faces. "Isn't that who we should have for ourselves?"

The girls nodded. "Preaching to the choir, Sister." Jubilee agreed.

"I know there's no guy that's like that, though. I'm sure!" I said, looking away. My face grew red in embarrassment.

"No, Wanda. There's is always that one guy. And you'll find him." Jubilee explained. I shrugged with a half-smile. "Just pass me a Twinkie, Jubi."

Maybe she's right, maybe she's not. Who knows? Only time will tell I guess?

A/N: Just a quick little chapter for you guys! And a foreshadow of Jean and Wanda's dream boys! *Wink* *Wink*

And don't Jean, Wanda and Jubilee make a good squad?!

Please comment on what you thought about this chapter. And I'll be posting the next chapter very soon.

Until next time, Lovelies!


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